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One day before Mark's twentieth birthday, and Sophia sat there confused. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. But it was not Sabrina's. Definitely not Kira's. It was not Ginger's either. Suddenly, she heard a well known voice through the phone.

"Hey Sophia, what's up?" The voice said.

"Chris. I need your help."


"You did no even let me change. I look like a freak." She pouted.

"You are freaking out. That is exactly what I told you not to do." Mark said exiting the Elite Hotel. Ginger glared at him.

"You know who else is freaking out? Your girlfriend, according to Chris. Why didn't you give her a hint? She still did not figure out how simple you are, Dallas. Poor girl." She said showing him her phone that had a text from Chris on the display.

It read "Sark problems. SOS."

"Who the hell is Sark? And what does it have to do with me and Soph?" He asked dumbfounded.

"It's your ship name. Sophia and Mark. Sark. You get it?" She explained.

"We do not have problems, Barbie. Plus, you should focus on the mission."

Yes, the mission. Well, you see... Mark had a marketing problem at a hotel which he failed to fix on his own. 

And who to call than the public opinion problem fixing queen? She had a scandal last year. Let's just say it was so big, that even the ones without internet heard about it. But, being as amazing as she is, Ginger  fixed it.

"So... What do you say? How do I fix it?" He said getting impatient.

"Please. Everyone wants to live a Mark Dallas lifestyle. There, I said it."

He took a few moments to process what she said.

"So... You are saying...All I have to do is throw a party?"

"Your style." She said nodding.


"Thanks, Chris." Sophia smiled." You know what they say, hit two birds with one stone."

"That's what friends are for. See ya!" He said walking out of the apartment.

Throwing him a party. Theme? Saints and Sinners. Perfect. If that does not scream troublemaker she did not know what did.

She took her phone and called all her friends.

Little she knew that this party will do good for both her and Mark.

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