Wine Experts And BFF Drama

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Mark's birthday was in few days and Sophia wanted to surprise him. She just could not think of anything worth the attention. She sat on the chair beside him in a fancy restaurant for dinner. She smiled at him once she caught him staring.

"You are worried. Why?" She looked down for a moment once she heard him. He read her. That was supposed to be her thing.

Yes, she was worried. She was worried that she would fail to the expectations. But most of all, she was worried that she would let him down. What if he got all of that. Parties, I mean. What if he just wanted a quiet evening with his friends.

Now, that is just... Stupid. He is the king of the Upper East Side. He does not want a quiet evening. None of the evenings she spent with him weren't quiet. Wink, wink.

"It is just... I can't pick the right wine." She lied and flashed one of her sweet smiles.

"Chardonnay. French till the end." He said.

"Since when are you a wine expert?" She asked.

"French expert actually. Wine, cheeses, language, culture, Eiffel Tower, and most importantly, women. Ah, french women. You know, one time..." He started, but she cut him off not wanting to her the end of that sentence.

"Mark please." She said and he smiled.

"Do not worry Soph, I was joking."

She giggled.


"I do not think that is a good idea, Kira. You should leave Mark's birthday to Sophia." Sabrina said sadly. Their girl squad fell apart because of this love triangle. She felt like Mark was fucking Bella Swan and Sophia and Kira were Jacob and Edward. It made her feel... Well, it sucked.

On the other side of the room, her step-sister Ginger was sitting and texting God knows who.

"She is fine with it, girls." Kira said obviously unaware of the situation. Ginger huffed from her seat.

"You have no idea what you are talking about, Kira. Tell her Sabrina." Ginger said and Kira's smile was replased with a clueless face.

"Tell me what?" She said looking at Sabrina. But the blond girl hesitated.

"Sabrina." Ginger warned her almost sibling.

"Okay. Sophia hesitated to save you. Mark made her do it. You could of died, and she would watch emotionless. Sorry Kira." Sabrina spit the words out like they were poison.

Kira gasped.

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