First encounter

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"Daddy I'm tired" the young girl mumbles as father carries her, she rests her head on Raf's shoulder and sighs.

"I know darling" Raf smiles as he rubs his daughters back, He carries her into the hospital and she lets out a rather loud yawn for such a tiny person.

"Why can't I stay at home Sammy?" She asks.

"Because the dog can't look after you" Raf chuckles.

"He Can" She protests.

"Sorry Emily, you can't darling" Raf says placing a soft kiss on her head, he moves brown long hair out her eyes and smiles.

Raf carries Emily onto the ward, he looks around and sees Serena. She doesn't look best pleased at all with Raf bringing his daughter to work with him. Raf apologises to Serena "I'm So sorry, got on one to look after her... she can stay in my office."

"By herself?" Serena questions.

"Its ten at night she'll be asleep soon" Raf explains hoping Serena will agree with what he wants to do.

"Nurse Martinez is going on her break soon" Serena smiles as she watches Cara cross the ward swiftly with notes in hand, "Why don't you ask her?" she adds.

Raf looks over at Cara "I hardly know what if she takes Emily? she could be an abductor for all I know" Raf says.

"Raf I hardly doubt that!" Serena laughs. Serena smiles and watches Cara sit down at the nursing station, "Go ask her, you've got five minutes" Serena says.

Raf makes his way over to Cara "Excuse me?" he coughs awkwardly.

She turns around and smiles "Yes?"
"Sorry to be so rude, but could you keep an eye on my daughter please?" He asks curiously.

Cara looks at the clock and Raf watches her, "Okay, sure" Cara replies smiling slightly. He passes Emily to her who is now asleep.
Cara takes her and smiles "What is her name?" She questions.

"Her name is Emily" Raf replies with a smile, he strokes Emily's back and smiles again.

Cara smiles before taking Emily to the staff room and lying her down on the sofa carefully. Emily stirs a little but drops back off to sleep again, Cara smiles and goes and gets her dinner out the fridge and also makes herself a drink.

She then sits down at the table with her phone, she begins to eat and at the same time checks her phone. Everyone so often she looks up to see if Emily is okay, but every time she is asleep. Cara sits there watching Emily, unsure what to do because she can't leave her on her own and Cara's break is almost over.

Serena comes in and Cara looks over at her, "What am I meant to do with that? I'm meant to be working" Cara replies while looking at Emily.

"I've come to take her off your hands" Serena smiles.

"Thank god for that!" Cara smiles as she gets up and heads to the door.

Serena picks Emily up and Cara goes to the ward and starts to work again, Serena informs Raf that she now has Emily in her office, Raf just smiles and acknowledges it and gets on with his rounds.

A little later Raf walks over to Cara who is sat at the nursing station "Thanks for earlier" He smiles at Cara.

"It's okay" Cara says with a cheery smile

"I'll have to buy you a drink one of the days to say thank you, when my wife has Emily" Raf informs.

"No its fine, you don't have too" she replies. Raf agrees and gets back to treating patients, Cara gets all the patients sorted too.

Later on, Cara is once again watching Emily, Raf comes over and laughs at Cara "Can't stop watching my daughter can you? he laughs. She smiles "Have her she's a devil" Raf laughs.

Cara giggles happily, "You don't have kids do you?" He asks.

"No... I haven't found anyone who will stick around" she smiles.

"Well at least you're not tied down with a wife and child" He replies.

"Yeah, it means I can have a lot of fun when not working" she smiles.

"Hey... we should go out for drinks and well you can show me 'fun' Cara" Raf chuckles. She laughs and carries on her shift.

A while later, Cara has finished her shift and is getting changed in the locker room. Raf walks into the changing room and looks at her awkwardly, Cara turns and looks at him. "Hi" he smiles as he walks to his locker.

"Hi" She smiles back.

"Look me and Amy are going out tomorrow night, are you available to look after Emily?" He asks.

"Yeah sure" Cara smiles.

He writes his address down and phone number for her and tells Cara to come at 7pm tomorrow evening.

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