Business trip

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Cara has been at work for a few days now and today is the day of the conference that herself, Raf and Jasmine are going on.

Cara hasn't spoken to Raf since he tried to come onto her, but what she didn't realises is that Raf would be sat next to her on the plane to Malaysia, Although Raf knows this and he knows it will be awkward.

Raf is first to board the plane and then it clicks with Cara that she has to sit next to him, She huffs and puts her hand luggage in the over head locker.

She sits herself down and they sit in complete silence for a while.
"Food menu, looks nice" Raf say randomly.

Cara looks over at him and raises an eyebrow, she gives a slight smile and then looks away. They sit in silence for a while longer.

"So was Emily alright this morning? I saw her and she looked rather tearful" Cara says.

"She didn't want me to leave" Raf smiles.

"Aww Bless her, had to put my two cats in the boarding home for these two weeks" Cara replies.

Raf smiles and Cara picks up the in flight book and reads it. "Who's the wrist then?" Raf asks.

"Better now" She replies with a smile.

"Good" Raf smiles.

She rubs her wrist "You okay?" Raf asks and she nods so he smiles back at her.

Later into the flight Cara has fallen asleep and has her head resting on Raf's shoulder, Raf looks over at Jasmine who is the other side of Cara.

she takes one ear phone out and smiles "Aww, You may wanna wake her we'll be landing shortly" Jasmine smiles.

Raf taps Cara who stirs, "Come on wakey, wakey" Jasmine smiles happily at her.

Cara wakes properly and realises she's leant against Raf so moves away quickly, Jasmine laughs "Oh dear Caz, Chill out" she giggles.

"Fuck off" Cara mumbles while looking at Jasmine.

"You's two are so cute" Jasmine giggles and Raf smiles. "Ding Dong bells already" Jasmine teases and Cara elbows her.

Jasmine laughs so does Raf laughs, soon enough the plane lands in Malaysia.

They leave the plane and go through passport control before collecting their cases.

Once they've collected their bags the three head for the taxi waiting area, Cara sighs and fans herself down "I'm so hot."Raf watches her out of the corner of his eye, "I'm removing my jumper, don't watch!" She says awkwardly to Raf.

"Yeah Raf!" Jasmine laughs.

Cara removes her jumper to reveal underneath a crop top. "Come on guys we need to get the taxi to the hotel" Jasmine adds, Cara grabs her case and puts it in the boot of the taxi. They all get into the taxi and head to the hotel.
When they arrive at the hotel there is a issue with the booking, It turns out they're one room short. "We single and a double room" the woman on the reception explains.

Raf nods and looks at the girls. "I'm having the single" Jasmine laughs.
Cara throws a dirty look at Jasmine "Well I'm sleeping on the sofa bed then" Cara explains.

Raf stays quiet, "Fine sorted, I'll have the single and these two will have the double" Jasmine says and the receptionist agrees.

She hands the key cards over and they head to their rooms, They head up to the first floor and Jasmine goes too but Cara stays quiet for the whole journey upstairs.

Raf opens the door to his and Cara's room and lets Cara in while Jasmine goes off to her room. They put some of their things away and Cara gets her bikini out. "I'm going in the pool" Cara says.

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