Bottle feeding

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A few days later Raf has finally had a call to bring Lewis to the hospital for Cara.

He goes in while Emily is at school seen as she is still with him.
He brings Lewis up to the secure ward in his car seat, he's worried to how Cara will react but he's ready for this.

He goes to the reception, "Hi I got a phone call that a doctor wants me to bring Cara Martinez's son up for a trial day" Raf says.

"Okay just one moment please" the women smiles.
Raf stands there and looks down at Lewis who's still fast asleep. "Okay the doctor will be out soon" she smiles.

"Okay thank you" Raf smiles.

Raf takes a seat and puts Lewis's dummy back in his mouth.

Soon the doctor comes out. "Hi you must be Raf Di Lucca, Cara's partner... would you like to come this way" the doctor smiles and Raf nods. "Right, Cara is a lot more stable than she was... this meeting was approve by her but she wants you in the room with the baby at all times and her nurse will be there too" the doctor says.

"Okay, is there anything else I need to know?" Raf questions.

"She's lost a bit of weight, but she's slowly eating more now... we're not sure exactly what happened to her but it could of just been pure exhaustion with a new born and time to herself and to eat" the doctor smiles.

"Okay" Raf smiles.

"She's still producing milk so we make ask Cara if she'd like to feed Lewis" the doctor adds as the walk along the corridor.

"Okay, is there anything I need to do apart from stay in the room with them?" Raf questions.

"Just talk with her, do you have any other children? Photos of what they've done recently?" She asks.

"Lewis is Cara's only child" Raf informs her.

"Any step children?" She asks.

"No we're not together I'm just the father" Raf explains.

"Oh okay" she says

She stand outside the visitors room and Raf signs himself in and then the doctor takes them in.

Raf looks down at Lewis and smiles, Cara looks up at Raf and gives a faint smile as he walks over to her.

"Hey" Raf smiles. Cara doesn't say anything to him but looks at Lewis in his car seat.

"How are you doing" Raf smiles as he sits beside Cara, She stays quiet.

Raf takes hold of her hand which is rather bruised from where the nurses have restrained her and also put cannula's in.

She flinches a little as he does so, "Looks sore" he says sympathetically, She nods a little.

"I hear you wanted to have a cuddle with Lewis" Raf smiles.

She nods slightly again, Raf leans down and unclips Lewis and lifts him up, Lewis stirs a little and opens his one eye.

Cara watches him rather nervously.

"Ready for him?" Raf questions

"Yeah" Car replies and Raf carefully placed Lewis in her arms.

Raf smiles as she replies to him finally, he then sits there quietly as Cara admires Lewis.

Cara looks over at Raf every once in a while. "He's missed you caz" Raf smiles Cara sighs and strokes Lewis's hand.

"Why don't you feed him?" The nurse suggests.

She looks at Raf a little unsure "I'm sure he'd like his mummy to feed him" Raf smiles.

"Okay" she says a little unsure still.

Raf goes to get a bottle out. "Raf" she says.

"Yh?" He smiles and looks up.

"He needs a bib as well" she says.

Raf smiles and gets a bib out of her and passes it to Cara. "Do you mind getting this heated up?" Raf asks the nurse.

"Of course not" the nurse says.

Raf puts the bottle down on the table and looks through the changing bag for a muslin towel.

The nurse go and warms the bottle up, Leaving Raf and Cara alone with Lewis, "Emily is very fond of Lewis, Caz" Raf smiles as he shows her the picture of the two.

Cara smiles a little at the picture "She helps a lot, she's staying with me because...yeah I'll save it for another day" Raf says.
Raf smiles "do you
Still want to breast feed him?" Raf asks and she shrugs.

"Here I'll feed him" Raf says as she seems a little off.

Cara nods in agreement, Raf picks Lewis up and he starts to cry, "oh dear Lewis you are defiantly hungry" Raf smiles as the nurse finally comes back with the bottle.

She hands the bottle over and Raf starts to feed him, Cara watches them and messes with her blanket, "can I?" She asks.

Raf nods and hands her lewis, She takes him carefully and holds the bottle and it's obvious Lewis is hungry as he's pouting and kicking his legs and She feeds him.

"He seems very settled with you caz... have you considered having him with you for a night?" Raf asks.

"No" she says quickly.

"Are you sure?" Raf asks.

She does say anything, Cara looks up at the nurse and she just smiles at her.

"Cara, everything okay?" Raf asks.

Cara just looks at Lewis "I want to be alone" she mumbles.

She leaves the room and Raf gets up to take Lewis. "No I want to be alone with Lewis" she says.

"You sure?" He asks

She nods and Raf gets up and stands just outside the door.

He checks the time once he's out of the room, "I think you should go for coffee leave her with her son for a bit. She seems fine" the nurse smiles.

Raf heads off for coffee and the nurse lets Cara know he's just gone somewhere.

Cara just nods and watches Lewis as he lies in her arms.

Lewis falls asleep in her arms and Cara smiles, She gently kisses his head.

She sits there quietly and drops off to sleep herself.

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