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Meanwhile Cara is sat out on the fire escape crying quietly to herself, She sits there stroking her bump, minding her own business still sniffling to herself.

She sees Morven coming towards her, Cara ignores her and moves a little so Morven can get up the fire exit stairs.

Morven carries on walking past, Cara sighs and checks the time.

After a while she decides to go home, She gets a lot of messages from fletch who isn't happy she's left early without telling him.

Cara rings her mum up for a chat as she has nothing else to do but she gets no reply so starts baby clothes shopping online.

She goes through the internet and comes across some really cute baby grows and out fits.

Then once she's decided on what she wants she checks her online bank account before ordering the clothes.

Cara suddenly remembers she doesn't have a Moses Basket either so browses some.

She finds finds a really cute cream one with the outline in a rabbit on it. She smiles to herself and has a look if it's in stock as she doesn't want it damaged if she orders it to her house.

She see that's there's only a couple left in stock so orders one, Cara smiles as she finally feels a bit more ready for the baby but she still needs to get the spare room ready but she needed help.

She doesn't know who to ask as she doesn't want to ask raf.

She texts her mum to ring her when she's free.

A few days later, Her mum finally replies to her and apologises as she was on holiday and has told her to come round when she's free.

Cara organises the date with her mum and then has to go to work, When she arrives at work Serena pulls her to a side.

"What's the problem Ms Campbell?" Cara questions.

"You've been late for the past two weeks and you've been leaving early" Serena says.

"Sorry Ms Campbell" Cara says.

"You will be, now get to work... I don't care if you're pregnant or not" Serena replies.

"Yes Ms Campbell" Cara says.

"Now get to work!" She says.

She heads onto the ward, Where she is met by Raf and Morven.

"Morning" Morven smiles.

"Morning" Cara smiles as she sits down at the nursing station and starts to paper work.

She gets quite a bit  of paperwork done before she is called over to help.

Cara looks at Raf who is running tests on the patient then he asks her to take blood for him, she gives a sarcastic smile and gets what she needs and then takes blood from the patient.

Once taking the bloods she sends them off and goes over to the nursing station.

"How's the baby?" Raf asks sheepishly as he walks over to her.

"Why would you care?" She says.

"Because I care about you both" Raf says quietly.

"I can cope perfectly fine on my own with the baby, anyway only 15 weeks to go" Cara says and Raf nods and gives a sigh.

"I've decided I don't want you to interfere with my baby. I mean don't want you breaking your family up" she smiles.

"Cara please don't be like this" raf mumbles.

"My baby, my life... I can do this alone" she replies and she goes onto her online bank account as she's on her break and Raf sees not much money in her account.

"Cara please, let me at least help buy them somethings" Raf says.

"No, I've got everything... just have to wait until pay down for these it's only clothes and I've got lots already" Cara replies.

"£500, here I'll transfer it. Tie you over until you're paid" he smiles.

"No Raf I don't need it" Cara says.

"Yes you do Cara, I'm not having you have my baby if you're going to get into financial difficulties" he says.

"I don't need your bloody money" she says.

"You do" he smiles and he quickly catches eye of Cara's bank details.

"No" she says.

He smiles to himself and walks off and gets his phone out before transferring £500 into her bank account.

Cara doesn't realise this as she has already got back to work. She carries on working until she feels a sharp pain in her stomach and stops and drops her paper work next to the patient. Cara looks around and the patient asks if she's okay.

Cara nods and raf comes running towards her as he saw what happened, She breathes it out and stands up straight.

"Cara is everything okay?" Raf questions.

"Yeah, beating me up in there" she mumbles and walks off to get some water.

She gets some bottled water from the vending machine and sits on the stairs. Some people walk past but She doesn't really listen to them if they ask if she's okay.

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