13 weeks and now in Málaga

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13 weeks later raf is going to the conference in Málaga, Cara is now on maternity leave and is just waiting for the baby to arrive now.

It's a Saturday morning and Cara has just woke up, She gets up slowly and sits in bed for a while as she's got a bit dizzy.

Once the dizziness goes she gets up and goes downstairs.

She makes herself some toast and puts the kettle on.

Once she done with her breakfast she decides to get ready and go for a little walk to the shop to get some biscuits, At this moment she has an desire to eat chocolate digestives.

As soon as she comes out of the shop she opens the chocolate digestives and eats a few, She walks back home and bumps into Fletch who's with his kids.

"Morning" Fletch smiles.

"Morning" Cara smiles as she passes him.

She heads home and sits watching to for a while, She picks her ipad up and reads through Facebook and notices that Raf is out on conference abroad again.

She sighs a little then sits rubbing her bump, "I can do this without your dad, don't worry" Cara smiles.

The baby starts to kick and she sighs, "That's enough kicking now" Cara huffs as the baby kicks and wriggles.

"Please just stay still" she adds huffing, "Come on give mummy a break" Cara moans.

Cara rubs her bump and shifts a little, She stands up when she feels a trickle of water.

She then looks down, "Oh no, not now" she mumbles.

She tries to call raf forgetting that he's on the plane for the conference.

His phone goes straight to answer machine and Cara starts to panic as the first proper contraction comes along.

She knows her mums out so doesn't call her and ends up calling morven, Morven answers straight away but before Morven can speak Cara buts in, "Morven help!" She says.

"Cara what's wrong" morven asks.

"The... ahhh!... baby is coming" she breathes.

"Ok ok I'll be over in 5 minutes" Morven says.

"Please hurry up, I want to push... please Ahhh!"
She cries, Morven puts the phone down and heads to Cara's quickly.

When she arrives Cara is in the kitchen leant against the work surface.

Cara looks at her and cries in pain, Morven rushes over to her.

"How long between contractions?" Morven asks.

"About... three... or four ...minutes" she mumbles.

"Hospital?" Morven asks.

"I don't know" she cries and holds her stomach. "I want Raf!" Cara cries not thinking about what she's saying, And only realises once she said it.

Morven looks at her confused but doesn't say anything. "I need to push" Cara moans.

"Oh god don't push yet we need to get you to hospital" Morven says.

"No... it's coming... now " Cara cries out.

Cara screams and starts to push as her body is telling her too, "no! Right let me have a look we need to get your leggings off" Morven says.

Morven helps her onto the floor and takes her leggings off her, "Oh my god" Morven says as she can see the top of the head.

"What" Cara cries.

"Where are your towels?" Morven asks.

"Airing cupboard" Cara cries and Morven quickly gets up and runs off upstairs and grabs a few warm towels and a blanket before rushing back down to the kitchen.

Cara continues to scream in pain as Morven puts a towel down on the floor and grabs a few things which will do as makeshift medical equipment.

"Make it stop, please" Cara moans.

"Okay next contraction push" Morven says.

Cara pushes as the next contraction comes, "Ffffuck!" She screams.

"That's it come on big push again" Morven smiles as the head starts to come out a little more.

She does the same again, The sweat starts to drip down her face and she then puts her heart and sole into the next push, "that's it the head is out, not long now" Morven smiles.

"It hurts" Cara cries.

"I know, nearly there" Morven smiles as Cara pushes again and Morven quickly grabs a towel as the baby is finally delivered.

Cara lets out a small sigh of relief, She throws her head back and smiles as she hears the baby cry.

Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora