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Later on, Raf has cooked Cara some food as she hasn't eaten in ages.
Cara eats a bit of what Raf has made her.

"Not that hungry" she says.

"Can you're feeding a baby, you need to give yourself the correct food to help" he says.
"Make yourself ill then" he huffs.

She eats a little more, then puts her fork down. He smiles and leaves her be, "I'm going to check on Lewis" she smiles.

She brings him through and sits down at the table with him in her one arm.

Lewis starts to cry and Cara seems a little uneasy with him.

"Caz?" Raf says.

"Shh Lewis" Cara says as she rocks him.

"Need a hand?" Raf asks.

She shakes her head and tries to feed him. "Come on Lewis" Cara huffs.

He cries at the top of his lungs and Raf can see that Cara is getting frustrated.

"Caz, do you need a hand?" Raf asks.

"I'm fine" she says as Lewis cries continuously and kicks his legs out.

"Here let me have him" he says.

Raf takes him and Cara pulls her top down and watches Raf. He stands with Lewis and lies him against his chest and walks around.

"Shh shh it's okay" Raf whispers.

Lewis cried loudly, "do you have any bottles for him yet?" He asks and She shakes her head.

"Right I'm going out to get some in a bit but first, top up... he will latch just need to preserver" Raf says.

"I've seen it all before" he smiles.

She huffs and pull her top up slowly, He pulls a chair up beside her and lies Lewis on her lap and she brings herself close to Lewis and Raf slowly touches Lewis's. Mouth and he starts to get the suckling action.

Cara watches him feeling a little awkward, He keeps touching her breast which she's a little unsure about but in a way it makes herself smile a little.

Lewis soon gets some milk, He calms down and soon falls asleep in her arms.

Raf smiles at him then looks up at Cara into her eyes.

She smiles a little and then leans forwards and almost kisses him.

Raf gently puts a hand on her knee,She smiles at him "thanks" she smiles.

"Anytime" raf smiles.

She finishes feeding Lewis and burps him before taking him back to his Moses basket, Cara sits herself back down and watches Lewis.

"Fast asleep" Raf smiles.

Cara nods "totally gone he is" she smiles.

Cara edges across to Raf and lets him hug her. He kisses the top of her head and then she rests against him and smiles. Raf turns the TV on and keeps it to a low level.

The next time he looks down at Cara she is fast asleep. Raf smiles and strokes her cheek.

"Your so beautiful" Raf whispers and admires her, She sleeps against Raf for a while.

After around an hour Cara wakes and looks up to see Raf standing with Lewis in his arms.

"Is he okay?" Cara asks.

"Yh just a bit grouchy" he smiles, Cara nods and gets up before walking over to him.

"He's calmed now, probably due a feed" he smiles.

"I'll feed him in a minute" Cara smiles.

Raf nods and passes him to Cara and goes to the kitchen to get himself a drink.

Cara tries to feed him, "Come on Lewis" she sighs.

"Need a hand?" Raf questions.

"Hang on let me try again" she mumbles.

"Okay" Raf smiles.

She smiles and eventually gets to feed Lewis. He sits there quietly and watches Cara struggle to cope with the pain of him feeding.

"Caz do you want anything?" Raf asks, She shakes her head and bites her lip "Sure?" Raf asks.

She tries to hide it but can't "I can't do it Raf, it's too painful" she mutters as the tears start to slip down her face.

Raf wipes her tears and says "do you want me to go to the shop and pick up some formula?"

She shakes her head and continues to cry and wind herself up, "no I want to do what's best for him, he needs this" she cries.

"But is it what's best for you?" Raf questions.

"That doesn't matter" she cries.

"Cara we can get an express machine, not so cheap but he's still getting your milk but I can help with the feeds then" Raf suggests.
She just cries in pain, "Stop Cara, you're not doing yourself or Lewis any good" Raf says.

"No he needs this" she mumbles.

"Cara!" Raf says in a stern tone.

"Let me have him for a bit, I'll take him to the shops and get some formula and give you a break" he says.

"He's still hungry " she says.

"He's got enough at the moment" he replies.

"Fine" she mutters.

Raf takes Lewis and once he's settled takes him in the car to the shop.

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