Check up & fall outs

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A few weeks later Cara has just arrived at the clinic for her scan but Raf hasn't arrived.

Cara is soon called in while and Raf still isn't there, "Ahh Cara how are we today?" Mr Thompson asks.

"Fine" Cara says.

"No partner today?" He asks and Cara shakes her head.

"He's at work" she lies.

"So would you like to find out the gender" Mr T questions.

"If it's possible" she smiles.

He nods and walks over to the bed and Cara sits down and pulls her top up and rolls her leggings down lower.

Mr T grabs the machine and then He then puts the gel on Cara's stomach and puts the probe now, "lovely bump, good sign of baby growing" He adds.

Cara sees her baby appear on the screen and she smiles to herself. "Come on little one are you going to turn around and give mummy a look" Mr T says.

"Stubborn little one, beats the hell out of my bladder at night and when in theatre" she smiles.

"Bless" Mr T smiles, "Well baby seems in very good health, perfect size and weight, no worries at all" Mr T adds.

She smiles and looks down at her bump, "So are you ready? Birth plan? Baby nursery set up?" He asks.

"Kinda, not yet and started it" Cara smiles.

"Well 20 more weeks and baby will be here so you might want to consider getting everything done early, before you get tired and it's harder to do stuff" he says.

"Yeah I know" Cara smiles.

"We can sort your birth plan now, just let me print this photo for you" he says and passed Cara some tissues.

"Okay thank you" Cara smiles.

Cara cleans herself up and then goes back over to his desk where he passed her the photo. "Thank you" she says.

Mr T sorts her a birth plan out which seems easy but she's nervous about the actual birth now.

"Now that's one less thing for you to worry about" Mr T smiles.

"Oh don't worry... I don't think I'll remember that, I'll just focus on getting the baby out" Cara laughs.

Mr T smiles at her and says "the most important thing is that baby is okay"

She nods "well I'll just have a lot of drugs to take the pain away" she says.

After her appointment she heads to AAU and finds Raf in his office alone, She walks in and glares at him.

"Morning" Raf says as he glances up at her.

"Where the fuck were you" she says.

"Sat here doing paper work... all morning... why?" He mumbles as he doesn't look up at her.

"You forgot " she mutters.

"Forgot what?" He says as he puts his pen down and moves some paper work.

She slam the scan print in front of him, He looks at it and then looks up at it, "this an old one?" He says.

"20 week scan" She says.

"20 week ay... long time half way there" he says.

She glares at him, "What?... shit it was today wasn't it" Raf says.

"I hate you" she screams before running out.

Raf stands and watches her run off the ward, Morven then walks over to him "oh dear someone is getting hormonal... what was wrong with her?" She asks.

"Nothing" Raf says.

She nods and then asks him for some advice on a patient.

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