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"That was brilliant" he mumbles against her neck.

"It really was" she smiles.

He sits up and looks at her lying there breathlessly, still looking as beautiful as ever. Cara smiles up at him happily.

"Just going to get some air" he smiles as he slips his boxers on.

"Okay" she smiles.

He heads outside and sits on the balcony, the deed was done all he had to pray now is that Cara doesn't end up pregnant.

Cara soon falls asleep on the bed and Raf remains out on the balcony.

It was magic just to feel Cara that close was magic to Raf, who needed drugs when Cara is better than any highs.

Raf realises that he may actually have true feelings for her. He looks over his shoulder at Cara asleep under the messed up covers, was he really falling in love with her? A part of him was telling him so but there other part of him was pulling back.

The following day...

Cara is the first to wake and gets herself in the shower. Once she's showered she gets dressed ready for the conference.

She gets her suit out and puts it on, "woah" Raf smiles as he looks over at her.

She smiles slightly at him, "Cara if you were a doctor I'd tell you now your patients would feel better in a heart beat" Raf smirks.

"Shame I'm a nurse then" she smiles and Raf nods.

"Your body is perfection" Raf smiles.

"It's really not" she blushes.

Raf smiles happily at her "shush, you're perfect" he smiles.

"Wish you'd stop saying that" she replies.

"It's true though" he smiles.

She grabs her handbag and sits down and puts her shoes on.
Once they are both ready they head down to jasmine.

Jasmine is sat waiting for them, "what took you so long?" She huffs.

"Cara takes 10 hours to shower" Raf laughs.

"No I do not, I wasn't the one walking round the room scratching their balls and doing nothing" Cara says.

Raf looks at Cara completely gobsmacked. "I'm kidding" she says.

Raf laughs a little and watches Jasmine look at her watch. "Don't worry we won't be late" Raf smiles.

"Come on then" Jasmine says as she stands.

They all then head to the conference which goes smoothly as can be and by the end of the day Cara is pleased with the presentation herself and Jasmine have presented and go for drinks to celebrate the conference going well and their last night in Malaysia.

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