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A few weeks later Raf hasn't seen much of Cara at work as she hasn't been very well. But she is in that day and is looking a little pale so Raf asks her if she's okay

"How to feeling?" Raf asks.

"Weak" Cara mumbles.

"What was wrong with you ?" He questions.

"Just keep being sick" she mumbles.

"Maybe you had a bug" Raf suggests.

"Possibly" she mumbles. "Excuse me a sec" she says as she rushes off to the toilet.

Raf goes into the toilet and walks to the end cubical where she is.
"Caz? Everything okay?" He questions.

"Yeah" she says as she sits next to the toilet.

"Do you need anything" he asks.

"Water" she mutters.

He goes and gets her a cold drink of water, When he comes back to the toilet Cara has disappeared.

He goes out onto the ward "have you seen Nurse Martinez?" Raf asks Serena.

"I've sent her home she's not well at all" Serena replies.

"Oh okay" Raf says.

"Poor mite was shaking she felt that ill" Serena smiles.

"Bless her" Raf says.

"You love rather close to her could you drop her jacket off later and her purse" Serena asks.

"Erm... yeah sure" Raf says a little awkwardly.

"Just make sure she's okay too" she says before leaving him to it.
Raf carries on with his shift.

By the end of his shift he's exhausted and just wants to go to bed but he needs to drop stuff off at Cara's.

So he heads to her house, Raf goes to
Her hour and gets out his car and up to the front door, he knocks on her door and through the glass he sees Cara approaching the door and grabbing the front door keys.

He has her coat over his arm and waits for her to open the door. Cara unlocks the door and looks at Raf.

"Serena asked me too bring your jacket a purse" Raf smiles.

"Thanks" she smiles and takes the stuff off him.

"How you feeling now?" Raf asks

"Horrible" she says.

"Anything I can do?" He questions. She shakes her head and goes to shut the door.

"Cara what going on" Raf asks.

"Nothing, please leave" she says.

"Come on Caz why don't you let me in and you can go get in bed and I'll make you a hot drink" Raf suggests.

"Hot drinks disagree with me" she says.

"Since when?" Raf asks.

"Since last week why?" She says as she lets him into her hall way.

"Just asking" he smiles.

"Have you been drinking tea or something?" She asks.

"No not recently" Raf says.

"Oh god it's really strong I'm going to be sick" she says and rushes off to the toilet.

Raf follows her and holds her hair back, "Tell me Cara what is going on?" He says as he gives her a tissue.

"I'm... ill" she mumbles and wipes her mouth.

"Cara there's more to this" Raf says.

He crouches next to her and looks at her. "I'm just ill" she mumbles

"Come on let's get you to bed" he says.

She gets up and sits on her bed.

"Come on Caz tell me what's going on" he says and sits next to her.

"There's a slight chance I'm... well... yeah... pregnant" she says stumbling on her words.

He looks at her in shock, She looks back just waiting for him to say something.

He doesn't say anything, "Raf I'm so sorry" she says as she starts to cry.

He pulls her into a hug, "don't cry Caz" he whispers and rubs her back.
She holds his top tightly and cries into his chest.

"Come on don't cry"he says softly.

"It's your baby, I'm so sorry... I should of done something about it" she cries.

He holds her close to his chest and says "don't apologise."

"This is my mistake" she says and wipe her eyes.

Raf doesn't reply to her, She hugs him tightly and he holds her close.

"What should I do?" She asks.

"What do you want to do?" Raf asks

She shrugs "well I should confirm it first" Cara says.

Raf nods and says "and if you are pregnant?"

"I don't know" she replies.

Raf gives her a small smile "it's your decision."

"I know, my mum won't accept it. I'll do what's best for us both" she nods.

"Forget about everyone else Caz" he says

"It won't be fair" she says.

"It's about what you want Caz" Raf tells her, She shrugs and messes with the bottom of her top.

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