Happy Birthday

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Morven passes the baby to Cara, "Congratulations" Morven smiles as she quickly cuts the cord.

Cara smiles and strokes her baby's cheek, "It's a boy" Morven beams.

"My little baby boy" Cara smiles.

Morven gets up and grabs her phone and calls for an ambulance and within five minutes they have arrived.

They take Cara to the hospital Where she and the baby are examined and everything is fine. Morven stays back at Cara's to clean up and make it descent for when she comes home.

Cara sits just watching her baby, The nurse comes over and checks on her "well your baby is very healthy have you thought of any names?" The nurse asks as she fills out Cara's chart.

"Lewis" Cara smiles.

The nurse smiles and leaves Cara be, she picks up her phone and takes a photo of Lewis and sends it to Raf saying, 'Hi, look who made an appearance around two hours ago, his name is Lewis 7pounds 8oz. Can't wait for you to meet him xx'

She then puts her phone down and admires her son, She picks him up slowly and smiles at him.

"Hello darling" Cara smiles, "Happy Birthday I guess" she adds as she rocks him slowly. "Lewis Martinez ... little champion, Mummy will do everything in her path to make sure you have the best life ever" Cara smiles.

Lewis hold her finger, Her heart melt as she watches him sleep peacefully.

After a while a nurse comes over and Cara asks when she will be allowed to leave, The nurse tells her that it could be today or tomorrow depending on the Doctor on duty.

Meanwhile Raf has just finished his first conference and he finally turns his phone on.

He unlocks his phone and checks his notifications, Messages from Cara flood through. He reads through them, He gasps when he sees the messages saying she's having the baby, but then he starts to smile as he sees the picture of Lewis.

He texts her 'give the little one a kiss from me xxxx'

Raf smiles to himself and sits in the taxi admiring the photo of Lewis.

Once at the hotel raf goes straight to his room and puts his phone on charge as it's almost dead, He doesn't know of you FaceTime cara or not.

He decides to text her to see if he can, 'Hi Caz, can I FaceTime you please, could love to see you and Lewis right now' he sends.

She soon replies and says 'give me 5 minutes but I you have to be quiet xx'

'Put your headphones in then if you've got some with you' he smiles.

After a few minutes raf face times Cara, "Hey you" Raf smiles as Cara comes on the camera.

"Hi" Cara smiles.

"You look exhausted" Raf smiles.

Cara nods, "he's got a right pair of lungs" she smiles.

"Let me see him" he smiles and Cara turns the camera and gets up and moves so she's closer to the cot.

"Aww bless him" Raf smiles.

"He's got really small hands and feet" she smiles.

"He looks rather squished" Raf replies.
"How long were you in labour for?" He asks.

"Quite a while" Cara says.

"Doctors treating you good enough? I can always get you transferred and I'll pay for private?" He says.

"Raf I'm probably going home tomorrow and anyway Morven delivered him... on my kitchen floor.

"Oh fun" Raf says.

"Morven has seen all my lady area this is embarrassing" she mumbles.

Raf smiles a little at her, "I may ask her to be god mother" she smiles.

"I'm sure she'd love that" Raf smiles.

She nods "and I was thinking Fletch for God Father I'm not sure yet" she explains.

"That can all be sorted later, all that matters at the moment is that you and Lewis are okay" raf smiles.

"We're fine" she smiles as she watches Raf mess with his IPad.

"What... Raf are you even listening to me?" She asks.

"Yeah sorry" Raf says.

She smiles at him and puts her phone down and picks Lewis up. She then just sits admiring him, a little shocked that he is really hers.

She picks the phone back up "I've got to go now Raf, 3G running out" she says.

"Okay I'll text you later to check how everything is" Raf says.

Cara ends the call and puts her phone down. She then sits cuddling her son, soon Morven arrives with a few things for her. "Hello" Morven smiles.

"Hi" Cara smiles as Morven walks over and puts Cara's night bag down.

"You doing okay?" Morven asks.

"Yes, very tried at the moment" she smiles.

"I'll go if you like" Morven smiles.

"No please stay" she smiles as she starts to cry.

"Oh Caz what's wrong" Morven asks and hugs her carefully.

"His dad doesn't want to know, he's left me" she lies.

"Who's the dad?" Morven asks.

"Just someone I met on a night out, we was actually going to make a go of it but he doesn't want to know" she mumbles.

"Oh" morven says.

"I thought about putting him up for adoption" Cara says.

"No!" Morven says.
"Cara you can't do that" she adds.

Cara looks at Lewis and lies him down on the bed.

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