Doctors Surgery

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He gets her to lay down and rubs her arm. He looks at her and lies on his side and moves his hand to her stomach.

"My tiny baby" he smiles happily and strokes her stomach with his thumb.

"Raf I don't even know if I am pregnant it could be a stomach bug" she replies.

"I don't care" he says.

"Raf but Amy you can't keep doing this" Cara sighs.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" Raf smiles.

"Raf you need to go home to Amy and your daughter!" Cara protests And starts to cry.

Raf pulls her into a hug and says "no I'm staying here with you for now Caz."

"Tomorrow morning I'll go out and get you a few tests" he smiles.

"Raf you've got a wife and daughter, go home" she mumbles.

"Lie down and sleep" he says.

"You need to go home" Cara says. He shakes his head and just lies beside her watching her.

After a while she drifts off to sleep, Raf lies there for a while watching her sleep peacefully and then drops off to sleep himself.

The following morning Raf wakes to see over 20 miss calls from Amy. He closes the notifications and rolls over and looks at Cara.

Cara is still asleep facing Raf, He smiles at her and strokes her cheek lightly.

She stirs a little, Cara smiles in her sleep and bats Raf's hand away. "Morning" Raf whispers softly

She just mumbles and moans as she wakes, "Hey beautiful" he smiles.

"Raf?" She mumbles "what are you still doing here?" She adds.

"Being here for you" he smiles as he strokes her stomach again.

"You should be at home Raf" she tells him.

"No you need me more" he smiles.

She looks at him and watches his lips has he talks, She leans forwards and kisses him "thank you" she mutters.

"I better get up" Cara says as she looks at her phone.

"You going into work today" Raf questions.

"It's my day off, but I may as well see if my GP has some spaces" Cara replies.

"Want dropping off ?" Raf asks.

"If you don't mind" she smiles.

"No I don't mind" Raf smiles.

She smiles and gets herself up and ready.

Raf waits for her and once she's ready takes her down. He pulls up outside the doctors surgery and Cara goes in and five minutes later she returns, "Raf they've got me an appointment in ten minutes" she says.

"Okay, gonna text me when your out and I can come pick you up if you want" Raf asks.

"No! Raf it might sound silly but can you come with me?" She says.

He nods and smiles at her, He then gets out the car and locks it before following Cara.

Cara goes in and sits in the waiting room with Raf.

She keeps looking over at him, He takes hold of her hand and smiles at her.

She squeezes his hand a little, Her name flashes up on the board and Cara and Raf head to the room they've been sent too.

Cara knocks on the room door, The doctor calls her in and she goes in and sits down, Raf shuts the door and sits down.

"So what can we do for you miss Martinez" the doctor questions.

Cara looks at Raf anxiously and doesn't know what to say. Raf gives her a reassuring smile, "Well the thing is I think I'm pregnant" she says nervously.

"And you would like me to confirm that you are?" The doctor questions making sure hes correct.

She nods and holds Raf's hand tightly, "So do you have any idea how far along you are?" He asks.

"Possibly seven or eight weeks" Cara says.

"Okay... Very early days" he says.

"I could get you to do a pregnancy test but we'll do a quick blood test and then a test" the doctor says.

"Ok" Cara says.

Raf smiles at Cara happily, Cara looks at him nervously.

The doctor takes the blood and labels them. "How is your health in general Miss Martinez?" He asks.

"It's fine" Cara smiles.

"Here it says you had your appendix removed two years ago and then you had a kidney infection" the doctor says as he reads from her notes.

"Yes but everything has been fine since that" Cara says.

Raf looks at Cara eater stunned, "and you've had quite a few illnesses as a child" he says and Cara nods.

"What I'd like you to do is take a test now and then I'll refer you to a Mr Thompson at Holby City General hospital, for further treatment and referrals with your baby" he says.

"Okay, that's fine" Cara says.

"Your appointment will be tomorrow afternoon at five" he says as he passes her the test.

"Thank you" she says taking the test from him.

Cara goes out to the toilet and takes the test before reappearing four minutes later.

Raf looks up at her and smiles, She passes the test to the doctor and sits down.

"Thank you" the doctor smiles.

Cara looks at Raf and he rests his hand on her thigh.

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