Not made of stone

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Lewis is now three weeks old and Cara's behaviour is still the same and is starting to worry Raf, at first he thought it was Baby blues but now he's worried it's something much bigger an issue than that.

He decides to call serena for some Advice, She shows some concern while on the phone to Raf, "where is she now?" Serena asks.

" in bed" Raf says.

"And Lewis?" She asks.

"Downstairs with me" he tells her.

"Has she been looking after him recently?" She questions.

Not really" he says.

"Right okay anything else?" She asks.

"Well if she has him and he starts to cry she sorta gets upset and anxious about him, but she'll then hand him to me and say something like she's hurting him or she doesn't want to hurt him" Raf explains.

"Maybe it would be a good idea to bring her into the hospital" Serena says.

"Why?" Raf asks nervously.

"She needs someone to assess her" Serena says.

"She's not mental" Raf snaps.

"Raf she's ill by the sound of it, she needs an assessment" she says.

"Please bring her in" she adds.

"Okay" he sighs. 

"And you'll need to get in contact with the baby's father" she adds.

"Erm... yes" Raf says

Raf ends the call and turns to see Cara standing there in the doorway. "Who was that?" She asks.

"Serena" he smiles.

"What does she want?" Cara asks.

"She wants to see you and Lewis, she hasn't seen him yet" Raf lies.

"Why" she asks.

"She just want to see him and also you could do with the fresh air come on grab your coat" he smiles.

She nods slowly and gets her shoes on and a coat, she then picks up a coat for Lewis and puts it on him carefully.

Raf then takes Lewis and straps him into his car seat before taking him out to the car. Raf puts him in the car and Cara stands at the door quietly and watches Raf.

"Come on" Raf smiles.

She shakes her head "why don't you take him and I'll stay here" she says.

"Please serena wants to see you" Raf says.

"Where is Lewis... where is he?" She panics.

"Safely in his carrier" Raf says.

"Let me see him, I need to make sure he's safe" she snaps.

Raf shows her that he's safe. She pushes Raf out the way and stands there watching him.

"Come on caz lets go see serena" Raf says.

Raf helps her into the car and makes sure she's got her seat belt on.

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