Chapter 26

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It had been a week and I still didn't have any clue to Wesley's whereabouts. I tried searching for his father's number, but I had no such luck. And I also called my mother, and literally begged her to tell me where he was. She was so pissed at me she would only keep up the conversation for about 1 minute before hunging up on my face. 

I searched everywhere all over social media, I reached down to Keaton and Drew, but no one knew anything about him. I was beyond devastaded. I couldn't believe our families where doing this just so they could be together. It was not like we would have stopped their wedding or anything like that. I just couldn't understand why it was worth it to them to put us in such this miserable situation. 

I was still working at the yoghurt shop, which was my only income to survive. I was barely making it, as I had to rent and apartment to be able to have a merely decent life. But as soon as I got home I couldn't fight back all the tears that insisted in visit my eyes. I had finally found my other half. He was the one I wanted to share everythinh with. He was the one that swooped off my feet and took the biggest and warmest place in my heart. But this place was now becaming each day colder and hostile. 

I lost contact with all human beings, i was drowning in my own suffering. I had already pulled all the strings I could. Wesley was unreachable. And I couldn't admit that to myself. I was unable to believe that this was happening.

Reluctantly I signed myself to the community college, just so I could afford my own education and try my best to keep on with my life. I just felt I had to dig in something to actually be able to survive. As I was barely eating and showering, it hit me that I was in a verge of death. Which is why I dragged my tired butt into the classes everyday.

With the passing of days and weeks, I slowly started to build myself a life again. Or at least a begginning of it. I was paying more attention to the classes, talking to other people, trying my best to me able to get over Wesley. But I was sure deep down there will always be a part of me that will always love him. I just have the feeling that no one will ever be able to cover up the place that he used to take. 

But the idea of trying unwillingly started to take a place in my head.

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