Chapter 4

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked trying to recover my breath. "Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you." he apologized. "You didn't mean to scare me? You killed me inside!" I said, making him laugh.

"Sooo, what are you doing here anyways?" I asked, really not really knowing what he was doing here. "Well, I said I would talk to you later, didn't I?" Then, I answered "Yeah, but I was expecting a text or something like that". "I just needed more than that" he said while he sat right next to me on the bed. "And what about his super sexy outfit you have on?" Wes asked, and that's when I remembered I had only a t-shirt and my underwear on.  "Oh my God, I totally forgot! I'm so embarrassed!" I said while I looked for some shorts on my closet. "There you go! " I said pointing to the shorts I had just put on.  "Nice, although I was not complaining" he said and I could feel my face heat up. Dear God, this boy had this power on me.

"My mom will kill me if she finds out your here! It's almost 2 a.m.!" I said, only then realising that I had a boy on my room and my mom always gets very mad when it happens. "I'll be silent then, I promise" he said while he was getting each time closer to me. Now he was so close that I could feel his breathing on me. This was killing me, so I surrendered and put my lips on his. The kiss started slow and soft, but then his tongue asked for access and I, obviously, accepted. Then it started heating up, and his hands were on my hips. I couldn't help myself, so I took off his shirt. Dear God that body!! He had the best sixpack I've ever seen in my entire life! So I started rubbing my hand against it. "Like it?" he asked, "Impossible not to" I answered and started the kiss again.

Then he took off my t-shirt revealing my naked boobs. He stopped the kiss for some seconds, stared at them and said " Holy crap, you're hot" , then I said tottaly embaressed "Hey, watch your mouth". Then he apologized "Sorry babe, but it's just the truth". Then he took my shorts off and I took his pants off. And that's when I hear footsteps and start to freak out: "OMG my mom can't know you are here! Go hide in the bathroom, now!!" I said and he jumped out off bed and ran into the bathroom. I hid his clothes under my blanket and as fast as possible put on my shirt back on. Then I pretended to be asleep and I listened to someone opening my door. I slowly opened up my eyes and looked up, it was my mom, obviously cause we were the only two who lived in the house.

"What do you want mom?" I said trying to fake a sleepy voice. "Oh, it's just that I thought I was hearing some noises, so I came here to check up on you" she explained. "Well, you must have overheard cause I was sleeping alone here" I said and she just closed the door and went back to her room. Then I went to the bathroom to get Wes. Then I gave him his clothes and whispered "You have to go! We almost got caught.", then he answered "Ok, I'll go, but we will have to continue from where we stopped".

Then he put his clothes back on and left by my room window, the same one he ahd gotten here earlier. "See you on school" he said and I nodded. I saw him leaving by climbing down a tree, the when I saw he had left safely I turned off the lights and lied on my bed under my blanket. I grabbed my phone and there was a message from Wes

" Goodnight sunshine, see you tomorrow :) "

And I answered:

" Thanks, I just don't think I'll be able to sleep though "

Then I realised it was already 3 a.m. and I thought It was better if I tried to sleep, or else I would't be able to wake up early in the morning. But slowly I felt deeply asleep.


I suddenly woke up by my alarm, and happy as always because it was my favourite song. I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. I blow dried my hair and then curled it with my curling iron. Then I did a simple braid and applied my mascara as always. I was trying to impress Wes today, so I wore my favourite low cut Super-man shirt with my black push-up bra to give me a little boost. Then I put on my ripped jeans and my black vans. I got my backpack and went downstairs.

As I was not late as usual, I turned on the kitchen TV and poured me some cereal and milk into a bowl. I chose my favourite music channel, where there is always on some of my favourite songs. It was on Radioactive, from Imagine Dragons, and I started singing along very loudly. Then I finished my cereal and started washing the bowl I had used. The I started listening to a familiar voice, I just didn't knew who it was. I turned around and saw Wesley singing with another boy on the TV. My hands just dropped the bowl and tears started rolling down my eyes. How could he had forgotten to tell me something like that??

I just left the house running and drove as fast as possible to my college. I parked the car and started searching for Wesley all over school. I couldn't manage to find him, so I stopped in the toilet ans realised I had mascara all over my face. I cleaned it up and went to my locker to get my books. That's when I feel someone grabbing my waist and turning me around. I see Wesley, then I get his hands off me and even not wanting to I start crying again.

"How could you do this to me?"

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