Chapter 11

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It's been about 10 minutes and Wesley haven't said a word since I told him I would be gone for 6 months. I don't want to leave him now that I finally managed to be with him with no major obstacles. But it's for my dad, even though he made me suffer, he is still my dad.

He finally spoke up "You can't leave. I need you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are not like most girls, you are THE girl. I haven't told you this yet, but I love you and I can't loose you! Now that you are finally mine I can't let you go like that", at this point we were both crying. "It's my dad. I have to go. Perhaps we can try to make this work long distance or something. I love you too, and not even being apart can break what we have" I said and I got up and hugged him. We decided to leave the restaurant to continue this conversation somewhere else.

We decided to go walking to a park nearby, it was silent and we always went there when we wanted some privacy. We sat in the wood bench we always sit, and I looked at him and just kissed him for a long while. The kiss was soft and calm, much more romantic than the usual.

I split up the kiss and stared at his sad big eyes. "I can't believe you are leaving me" he said and I could not hold my tears any longer. I just rested my head on his shoulder and cried my eyes out. "I can't believe I'm leaving you either. But I'll be back. That I promise. I just hope you will be still waiting" I said so quietly I almost didn't heard myself. "I'll be here waiting for you forever. That I promise" he said and kissed my cheeks.

We stayed like that for a while, none of us said a word. We were looking at the stars, it was a very romantic moment, but sadly of the last ones. I really can't believe I'm leaving either. I just hope I'm not making a dumb mistake.

After about half an hour we decided to leave because it was getting very late. Wes drove me back home and during the ride we were still quiet. I guess none of us could actually believe I was leaving for 6 months. That is a long while. Very long while.

When we arrived to my house I gave Wes a kiss goodbye on his cheek and I entered. I just felt on the floor on the other side of the door and started crying on my knees like I never did before. My mom heard me, she went downstairs and she understood what was happening. She just sat on the floor with me and hugged me and cried with me. "When?" my mom asked after a while. "In 2 days, I guess" I said and hugged her even stronger.

After a while I managed to stop crying, so I went upstairs into my room and wore my pijamas. I got my suitcase from under my bed and I started packing. I basically tried to put in it everything I owned, after all I need clothes for 6 months. When I finished packing it was already 3 a.m., so I went to bed and cried untill I was asleep.


It was saturday, so I woke up late, it was already 2 p.m. I went to the bathroom and I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I wore the same pijamas I had on before and I went downstairs. My mom was cooking lunch for us.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty" my mom said when she saw me. "So I already bought your airplane tickets for Monday and I checked you in a college out there, everything is taken care of" she continued and pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you" I said, "I'll miss you more honey" she said and pulled away. "I'm making my homemade pizza. Your favorite" my mom said and smiled. "Thanks mom" I said and also tried to smile.

After lunch I looked my phone and there no calls or messages from Wesley. I wonder if the news affected him of if he doesn't even care anymore. I spent the day at home and no sign from Wes all day. I just went to bed sad that we weren't even spending our last moments together.


Sunday was the same bullshit. I was already missing Wes and he would not even want to talk to me or not even answer my calls or reply my messages. I guess he doesn't even care, and he said he loved me. All bullshit.

I didn't heard a thing from Wes and I was leaving the next morning. I guess I would not even have a special goodbye from him. I started crying a lot untill I was out.


I woke up 5 a.m., my flight was at 10, so I had to be there early.I tried calling Wes again but he didn't answered me. So started getting ready while I cried like crazy. I wore some grey sweatpants with a white tank top and a hoodie. I paired it with my black vans and a backpack.

I went downstairs with my suitcase and I smelled pancakes. "Making pancakes mom?" I asked, so I got to the kitchen and I was Wesley."No, I am" he said. I ran into him and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Saying goodbye to my love. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you, I freaked out" he said and kissed me.

We ate the pancakes, I said goodbye to my mom and Wes drove me to the airport. " I still can't believe you are doing this" he said while he got my suitcase out of the car. "Me neither" I said while we got in to the airport.

"I have to say something Wes. I think is better if we just stay as friends now. I'm going to be out for 6 months and that is too much. When I come back we can try to get back from where we stopped, but from now I guess it's better like this" I said while I cried so bad. He seemed shocked. He didn't said a word but tears slipped out from his eyes.

"Goodbye" I said and I walked away.

Never let you go (Emblem 3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя