Chapter 18

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It has been a week Wes is in the hospital, unawake, and all are starting to loose hope, but me. I don't exist without him in my life, and I know that he will wake up, at least it's what I try to think every minute of the day. During the whole week I haven't been on school, I just spend every day on the hospital with Wes, talking to him and singing.

I was home showering after a long day in the hospital, when my phone started ringing. I couldn't pick up, so I finished showering. After that I checked my phone and Keaton had called me. I called him back.

*Phonecall on*

Me: Keats what's up?


Me: What? What happened?

Keaton: He... he woke up!!!!


*Phonecall off*

I then quickly wore some sweatpants and a tank top and drove as fast as possible to the hospital. When I got there I ran as fast as possible to his room. I got to the door. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. I was so happy he was awake. I got inside the room.

I got in and saw Wes talking to Keaton. I started crying imediatly and covered my mouth with my hand to be less noisy. I just appreciated him and stared, waiting for him to say something. He just looked at me, puzzled, and didn't say a word. So I couldn't stop myself, so I hugged him tightly and cried on him. He pulled me away and asked: "Why are you hugging me? Who are you?" I broke into pieces. I couldn't believe he didn't remember. In that moment a doctor entered the room and said : " So good news Mrs. Stromberg health is very good. Bad news is that some parts of his brain were affected in the coma, so you might not remember everything". That explained everything. But I couldn't believe this was happening.

I exited the room and sat on the floor outside. I just cried my eyes off. I waited so long for this moment, I was the only one that still had hope. And now my biggest dream is realized, but Wes won't remember who I am, so what was all that worth for? I love him but I can't kiss him after all this time. He doesn't even know who I am.

Keaton left the room and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Soph, I truly am. I can't believe this" he whispered in my ear. I just cried even harder on his shoulder, "I can't either, I just can't" I said in between my sobbs. This was just awful.

I got in the room again and asked to be alone with him, so everyone left the room and left us there. "So you really don't remember me?" I asked. " I don't. Who are you?" he said. "I am, or at least used to be, your secret girlfriend, Sophie. We used to hide it from our parents, who are going to get married and that is why we hid it. I've been here every night since the accident, I gave you that teddy bear you are hugging and I sang to you everyday. I love you and so did you, but know you can't remember and I can't believe it" I finished saying with my eyes full of tears. "Oh. I'm so sorry Sophie, but I just don't remember" he apologized. "It's not your fault" I said and left the room so I wouldn't cry in front of him.

What am I going to do now? My love is finally awake, but I don't know what to do, I can't live without him. I just can't.

* Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Now I'm back! And thank you so much for the 1k reads!! That means so much to me! Keep reading! Love you all :P *

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