Chapter 3

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Dear lorde, what have I done?

I jump out of bed and start looking for my clothes. When I found them I realised they were kind of dirty, but what could I do? Better dirty than naked, right? Then I tried to wake Wesley up, but it didn't go the way I planned. We wouldn't wake up, so I decided to leave a text on his phone asking him to explain me what happened and I left the room.

The house was full of unawake people, so I tried in being as quiet as possible and left the house. It was 12 o´clock already, but luckly it was a saturday. I walked home, and getting there I saw that my mom's car wasn't there, and thanks God for that. At least I would't have to try to explain something I was not even aware of yet.

I ran into my room and jumped into a shower to clean myself up. I had a long shower trying to remenber what happened, but the worse kept coming to my mind: that I had crazy sex with a lot of people, or at least with Wesley, and I wouldn't even remember it after all! But I could be wrong right?

I got out of the shower and dressed in my comfy Pink sweatpants and my favourite Lakers oversized t-shirt. I sat down on my bed and checked my phone. There no replies from Wes, so I decided to call Julie to see if she knew what happened.

*Phone call*

Me: Julie?

Julie: Hey what's up? Had fun last night?

Me: I wish I had, but I have no clue what happened! I can't remember

Julie: Really? The last thing I saw from you was you getting into a room with Wes. I guess you guys... hmm.. you know.... had sex.

Me: Oh, that's what I was afraid of! Well, anyway, thanks Julie

Julie: Alright, anything just give me a call

Me: Ok, bye

*Phone call off*

So, that's it? I had sex with Wes? I send him a couple more texts, so he would tell me the truth. But I was really hoping nothing had happened. But given the circunstances, that's really a small possibility. But, who knows right? Faith is the last one to die.

So I decided to head downstairs to have a snack. I poured some cereal on a bowl and decided to eat it while watching some TV, to try to get my mind of what was happening. I turned on the Tv, and my favourite serie was on, The Big Bang Theory, so I started watching, and slowly I felt asleep.

When I woke up it was already 8 o´clock and my mom was already at home. Luckly she didn't asked me anything about the party last night. I headed to my room and checked my phone. There were 5 missed calls from Wesley and a couple of texts. He asked me to meet him at the Yogurt shop later so we could talk. I accepted and we were going to meet in half an hour.

I took of my clothes off and decided to put on some denim ripped shorts and a white tank top. I put my purple Supra and headed out the door. Then my mom asked '' Where you going sweetheart?'', then I just said '' Meet with some friend at the Yogurt shop. Bye".

I drove my black Nissan into the Yogurt shop and Wes was already there waiting for me. I got into the shop and sat right next to him. I didn't even greeted him, I went straight to it " What happened last night?, so he answered " Nothing happened.". What? Reallly? Nothing happened? So he continued "I know it might seem like we did had sex, and we actually were going to, but we were so high we felt asleep and nothing happened".  Oh, thanks God nothing happened! So I said " Well, I guess it was for the best".

So, we spent the rest of the night chilling at the Yogurt shop and talking about last night, and we were actually getting along very well. I felt a very deep connection between us, like if nothing could stop us when we were talking. And now I realised he was able to break through my wall, I was not even shy anymore. I could really be myself when I was around him. But, wait! I am already falling for this guy? Like, I barely know him and I feel like I want to spend my whole life with him.

We were really bonding, but a lady from the shop said they were about to close, so we had to leave. We left the shop and stopped in front of my car. " I had a lot of fun today" Wesley said and I nodded. He was getting closer to me and could feel the beachy sent he had. So he leaned on me and put his lips on mine. It was a soft and warm kiss, and I never wanted it to stop. He had his hands along my waist and mine were on his neck. Then we slowly stopped the kiss, but kept the same distance. He started smiling, OMG that smile. It was traffic stopping kind of smile. It was a fucking mind blowing smile. I guess I would die to see him smile again.

"What you staring?" he said, and that's when I realised I was staring at him. "Your smile.", I said and smiled at him. I guess I am really falling for this guy. And everything is working out just fine. I guess this is a new step in my life. We started kissing again, but this one was rough and much hotter than the previous one. I slowly stopped the kiss and said " Dare, dare young boy" and we both laughed. "I have to go, it's getting late" I said and he gave a little kiss goodbye. "I'll talk to you later sunshine" he said and I definetly blushed, I'm glad it was dark and he problably didn't saw it. It's just that I tend to blush a lot.

I drove back home singing like crazy, I was just very very happy. People could possibly be hearing me, cause I was definety screaming,  but who cares? I got home and my mom was asleep on the couch. I covered her up with a blanket and went to my room. I washed my face, took off my clothes and just slipped on my favourite Spider-man t-shirt. I sat on my bed and started thinking about everything that has been happening to me! This was probably the longest relation I had with a guy, and is not even a relation yet!

That´s when I see someone at my window and I almost had a fucking heart attack! I had already grabbed my baseball bat when I realise it was just Wesley. I oppened my window and let him into my room.

" What the hell are you doing here?"


Never let you go (Emblem 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon