Chapter 13

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I went back home crying like I never did before. Wesley didn't remembered me, I was so crushed. I still love him and everything, but he is just famous and have a bunch of hot and undressed girls at his house! I know I was gone for half an year, but he said he'd be waiting for me forever. I see what his forever stands for.

I got home and hugged my mom with all my strengths and cried on her shoulder. "Wesley didn't recognized me. Thought I was a fan" I whispered. "Oh darling I'm so sorry. He doesn't deserve you, you'll find someone better honey" she said trying to comfort me, but it didn't worked. "Mom I love him! He is the love of my life! I'm just not the love of his life!" I screamed and ran to my room. I just lied down and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up a couple of hours after, with my phone ringing. It was Keaton calling me.

*Phonecall on*

Me: Hello?

Keaton: What happened with you and Wes?


Keaton: OMG I'm so sorry. But he is really crushed. He is in his room for hours crying and won't let anyone in.

Me: There is nothing I can do about it. He fucked up.

Keaton: Sorry Sophie, I really am.

Me: Thanks Keats, It's just hard.

Keaton: I know. I have to go, talk to you later.

Me: Ok. Bye.

*Phonecall off*

He was crying because of what happened? That made me feel a little better. I guess he really remembered what we have been through. But he said he'd wait for me, and he definetly didn't. He was fucking around with a bunch of girls. That's not waiting forever in my point of view.

I went downstairs and my mom was on the kitchen cooking dinner. "Hey sweetie, are you feeling any better?" she asked without turning around. "Yeah, a little bit. It's just that I'm not the only one crushed." I said.

My mom served spaghetti on two plates and handed one of them to me. While we were eating she started talking. "So, I want to talk about something with you" she said serious. I got a little concerned. "Go ahead mom" I said. "Well, while you were gone I met a man. He is just so great to me, we have been dating for a couple of months now" she said and I got up and hugged her. "That's great mom! Congratulations!" I said and went back to my seat. "So you're not mad?" she asked confused. "Why would I be mad mom? You have to date!" I said excited.

We finished dinner and we both went to the living room to watch a movie together. I picked up "The Amazing Spider man", I watched this movie a lot of times already, because I love super heros, and this one is my favourite. And Andrew Garfield is also very hot, so a bonus to the movie. My mom fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I covered her up with a blanket, and when the movie was over I went upstairs.

I took a long shower and I kept thinking about what I should do about this whole Wesley situation. I figured that for now I shouldn't do anything. I guess that if he really misses me he will do something. After all I did 6 months ago so we could be together. He has to try too.

I wore my regular pijamas and I went to bed. I was tired from the flight, so I felt asleep very quickly.


The next day I woke up and it was 5 p.m. OMG how did I sleep for so long. I brushed my teeth and I went downstairs. I was eating a bowl of fruits when my mom walked in the kitchen. "Good afternoon honey" she said and laughed. "Hi mom" I said with my mouth full of fruits. "So sweetie, I was thinking if you would like to have dinner with William and his son. I really want you to meet him" she asked. "Of course mom. Today?" I asked and she nodded. She told me to be ready by 7.

I watched 2 episodes of The Big Bang Theory and I decided to go get ready. I showered quickly and straightened my hair. I did some eyeliner and applied mascara and blush. Also a little bit of lipgloss. Then I went to my closet to decide what to wear. I picked up a light pink crop top and a dark pink maxi skirt. And paired it up with some sandals. I looked myself in the mirror. I did't look too bad. I wanted to cause a good impression.

I went downstairs and my mom was already there. "You look beautiful honey" she said with sparks in her eyes. "You too mom" I said and we went to the car. She drove us to a very beautiful restaurant. "Marie and Sophie Stone" my mom said to the lady in the door. "Oh yes. Come this way please they are already waiting for you two" the lady said and we followed her.

We got to the table. I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my eyes. "Wesley?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

*Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment! And you can also find Sophie's outfit on the external link! Love you all :P*

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