Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster

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Sabina thundered in the stone walkway of one of the most prestigious diving resorts in Mindoro Oriental. In her hand was an awfully large gym bag filled with diving gears and woman's knick-knacks. She hastily approached the female changing room and rapidly let out a string of curses when she turned the knob and found it locked.

"Freaking great! Fuck!" She yelled as she kicked the poor door. She then twisted around while craning her head from left to right and spied another closed door with a "MALE" sign hanging on it.

She roamed her sight around the vicinity before heading that way and tried the door. Miraculously, the door opened.

"Thank you!" She whispered. She noiselessly slipped inside and quickly got in one of the many cubicles.

Without her knowledge, a young man about her age was also inside the same changing room just across her cubicle.

Inside the other minute room, Timothy Sebastian was currently changing into his board shorts and rash guard. Normally, the young man would still be lying in bed asleep in this very early Saturday morning but his older brother's best friend which happened to be a good friend of his, asked him to keep her company in a SCUBA diving lessons she was currently taking. And so, here he was.

The whole changing room was wrapped in silence when suddenly he heard a voice cursed. "Shit! Shit! I brought the wrong wet suit and where the hell is my swimming cap? The fuck Sab!"

What got his attention was not the cursing but the voice itself. He was pretty sure that it belonged to a woman, husky and child-like in pitch. He quietly grabbed his things, got out of the cubicle and hurriedly checked the sign on the main door. It clearly says "MALE" so Timothy was confused.

Why on Earth is the woman here? He thought.

Still perplexed, he turned and walked towards the sink to arrange his things. He decided to ignore it and just let it go when someone bumped into him and a loud crashing sound echoed inside the changing room.

"Oh shit!" Sabina cussed again when she saw all her things scattered on the floor. She turned around to apologize but her eyes widened with what she saw and was instantly rendered speechless.

Standing in front of her, was the most attractive guy she had ever seen in her entire life. They stood facing each other both gaping like fishes outside the water.

Timothy regained his composure first. He scowled and threw a glance at the young woman.

"Be careful, miss. Next time look where you're going." He mumbled icily as he proceeded to the sink.

Sabina was pulled out of her trance when she heard his cool nasal voice. The man was definitely an eye candy but he was cold and aloof. She was about to give the man a piece of her mind when she remembered where she was.

Swiftly, she dropped on her knees and started picking up her things. "I'm sorry." She apologized, she may be loud but she was not rude. She knew how to say sorry and how to be polite.

"The door to the female changing room was locked and I am really, really running late for my session so I took the liberty of changing here. I'm so sorry, all the while I thought it was empty and I'm alone. I'm used to being alone..." She continued blabbering while gathering her stuff.

Timothy's attention was caught by her words. He looked through the mirror's reflection and saw the lady picking up her things in great haste. Without thinking, he moved and started helping her.

Sabina was stunned when she saw the tall gorgeous man assisting her. Together, they gathered Sabina's stuff in silence. When everything was already inside her bag, she offered him a grateful smile but he looked the other way.

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