Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals

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The new friendship forged between the ex couple, Timothy and Sabina didn't bring any positive emotion nor happiness to the young CEO. Instead it made the petite biologist more unreachable and off limits to him. And it has build an invisible wall between them.

Immediately, Timothy regretted his decision especially when he sees Sabina in the company of the young cocky consultant. Compared before, his chance to win back the gorgeous biologist became slimmer and more complicated the moment he offered his friendship.

The only thing that kept him going was the thought that most of his and Sabina's friends were still rooting for them and that Anton and Jacob liked him more than Dylan.

"You're losing it, man!" Terrence joked, one night when the two were talking over bottles of cold beer.

Timothy scrubbed his face. "I really don't know what to do anymore! I know she needs time but when I see her with Dylan, I wanted to grovel at her feet and ask her to take me back right there and then." He admitted, his head was beginning to hurt from thinking too much.

"The man is too forward and Sabina letting him do his thing is a bad sign, TJ. I might wake up one morning and found out that I have no chance at all." Again, he scrubbed his face and began to massage his temple.

A sigh escaped the kind engineer. "Are you ready this time, man? What if another problem arise? What if your mother stepped in again? What if Darcy got into another "accident?" He couldn't help but asked.

Terrence saw all Sabina's pain and suffering then and now best friend or not, he couldn't allow that to happen again. The petite biologist is too kind and precious to suffer the same painful fate, twice.

"I am man, she will be my utmost priority from now on. My mother and Darcy are out of the picture now. I have learned my lessons and if things happen according to plan, I will spend my whole life making up to her." Timothy shared solemnly.

"Sooner or later, you have to make your intentions clear so offering your friendship was a big mistake, man. You should have told her your plans. You should have been honest. Sabina is a smart woman, she will surely understand. For all we know, your honesty may paved the way for her to reconsider you again." These words may sound harsh but Terrence have to say it out loud.

The young heir lifted his gaze under it found his best friend."I know man, I know."

Unknown to Timothy, Sabina was also having the same dilemma. She deeply regretted her action, she shouldn't have accepted Timothy's friendship. She looked okay and happy on the outside but deep within she missed Timothy terribly.

Their "so near yet so far" relationship made her realize that she hasn't fully and completely moved on yet but the petite biologist thought that it was just normal. After all, the young heir was her first in everything except for the deed itself.

"He's still keeping me wide awake at night, thinking that he's just minutes away. Nan, I don't know what's happening to me. Part of me still wanted to be with him but I'm scared." Sabina confessed. The young heir had been constant in her mind and even she try her hardest, it was hopeless.

It seemed that she was doomed. She was still drawn to him albeit all the pain he had brought her. She was still his, soul, heart and body. Vigorously, she shook her head to free it from this kind of thoughts.

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