Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New

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After Patricia and James' wedding, the young heiress disappeared again. Terrence attempted to reconnect with her after they saw each other at the wedding but according to the Thousand Willows' doormen, Sabina was currently away.

Timothy on the other hand, spent his last five afternoons on the tower's lobby near the elevator, hoping to get a glimpse of his ex fiancée so he could groveled at her feet and talk to her. But all his efforts were proven futile because during those five consecutive days no Sabina was seen.

"Man, I tried, okay?" The kind engineer muttered while patting his best friend's back. They were on their way to the city of Pines to join Diego Sebastian for a recreational activity before they start their multi-million-peso project in Mindoro.

"I approached Bart but he told me he knows nothing. The last time he saw Sabina was last Sunday during lunch with her brothers carrying big suitcases, that's it. I'm aware that Alfred knew more, but man, he is a tough one to crack. The old man protects Sabina like a mother bear to her cub. Coffees and dinners have no effects on the man." He added lengthily.

The two doormen of the Thousand Willows' tower have their loyalty on their boss' little sister so both have been very secretive of the young biologist whereabouts especially when male residents became very forward and nosy.

"But I really need to talk to her. I want to clear things up with her and make amends." The young heir stated darkly.

With head shaking, Terrence chuckled. "You had your chance man, you said you're going to apologize during Tricia and James' wedding so what happened?" He pried.

"I wasn't able to apologize, okay? Roth made my blood boil so my tactics didn't go according to plan." Timothy admitted, thinking of the stunt he pulled last weekend.

"But you had her alone for almost half an hour, you mean you two didn't talk?" Terrence queried unbelievably.

The young heir scrubbed his face. "We did but I was angry and she was furious so we end up arguing again. I didn't get the chance to apologize until we reach the reception venue." Timothy disclosed regretfully.

"Lucky me then, l had the chance to chat with her after her speech but only for a few minutes, if I only knew I could have apologized for you." Terrence joked.

"But what about Maggie? Can't she help you?" He added in question.

As though he heard a sad news, Timothy's face dropped. "She told me from the very start she won't help me anymore even though she still can. She feels guilty until now, although she told me that Sabina didn't blame her. And due to guilt, she's really and fully bowing out so no chance from Maggie."

"Don't worry man, I will try my best to help you!" Terrence mumbled, thinking that Margaret's reasons were valid.

Suddenly, the young heir remembered his best friend's impending departure. "Anyways, are you ready for Mindoro, dude?" He asked.

Terrence was scheduled to go to the island to personally overlook the construction and renovation of the the main resort and hotel inside Sea and Sky leisure park.

"I'm going to miss my place and the office, of course but I think I'm ready and quite excited. A change of scenery will surely be refreshing for me." The kind engineer replied enthusiastically.

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