Chapter XXXI: Torn

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More than ever, Timothy became attentive and sensitive to Sabina's feeling over the succeeding days. He stayed by her side all the time even though she rarely spoke to him. He did all the household chores to make up for the two weeks that he was gone. And he even did the laundry to show how sorry he was but the young woman remained cold.

Twice, his mother called but he ignored her. He was determined to earn Sabina's forgiveness by the end of the week so he could proposed again. But this time he had no intention of doing the long methodical way. He will ask Sabina to marry him in a civil ceremony where in everything could be done speedily. Then later on, they will push through with the church wedding as planned. Something inside him was nagging him to marry the woman at the soonest possible time and so he was planning to follow his gut.

Observing the whole time, Sabina saw how Timothy persevered and work hard and this gave her heart a new hope. It appeared that the man deserved a second chance.

After two days, the young CEO noticed that his fiancée began to warm up a bit. Sabina started to speak to him again and when Thursday came Sabina went back to cooking breakfast for the two them, too.

While eating Timothy attempted to ask the feisty young woman questions. "Am I forgiven? Can I hug you now?" He asked in an adorable manner.

The young woman lifted her gaze and eyed her fiancé in a calculating way. She found him extremely delectable at the moment especially with all his effort and charming antics but she needed to be firm to teach him a lesson. "We'll see, you're still on probation until Sunday then I'll let you know after the ball." She said in a serious tone, even though her heart was dying to pull the young man in her arms.

Although the young heir was with her for several days now, Sabina still missed his fiancé terribly and their current set up just intensified her feelings ten folds.

Timothy's demeanor lightened considerably after he heard Sabina's words. After three chaotic weeks, finally the young woman was seeing a ray of light again.

But she was wrong because the following morning turned into another disaster, Sabina woke up on an empty bed. Her fiancé was gone so hurriedly, she stood up and searched the whole Cradle. But her effort was fruitless, obviously Timothy left while she was still in bed, sleeping.

Jealousy consumed her once again like wild fire and she was helpless with the pain that crippled her inside. Defeated, she returned to her bedroom and grabbed her iPhone, the temptation of calling her fiancé was overwhelming. In her heart, she was still holding up with the belief that Timothy had valid reasons why he kept doing things like this. But then she remembered that she had deleted his number ages ago.

[Something came up and I have to be home. I'll be back later and don't skip breakfast. I love you.]

This single message pacified her emotions a bit but inwardly, her instinct was telling her that this was way deeper and far more complicated than just going home because of some trouble.

To silence her mind, the woman decided to cook breakfast. The whole time, she tried her hardest to ignore the nagging feeling inside her. He loves me, she tried to convince herself.

While eating alone, the woman raised her right hand and stared at the big solitary diamond sitting at her ring finger. "How long can you do it, San? Are you still up for it? Do you still want to be Mrs. Sebastian?" She whispered to herself.

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