Chapter XLIX: Shadow

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The gorgeous biologist's supposedly awesome afternoon was ruined. Her mood turned extremely sour because of her boyfriend's disappearance and the incident of the lock door. On top of all that, add the hormonal adverse effect of her medication, mood swings, so Sabina was fuming by the time she reached the dining hall of the ancestral house that evening.

And her annoyance and anger escalated more when she saw Timothy's chair. It was empty and the young architect was nowhere to be seen.

Where's that git? She asked herself inwardly, pissed with her boyfriend's unexplainable disappearing stunt.

"Hey guys have you seen Tim?" Irritably, she asked the twins, unable to contained herself.

The twins shared a blank look before Jacob answered his obviously irked sister. "Yes, he's outside somewhere."

"Well, it's almost dinner time. He should be here by now." She huffed, scolding Timothy mentally.

"It's alright, he went ahead of us. He had eaten dinner 30 minutes ago in haste, saying that he has something to attend to." Anton explained, making Sabina angrier and more annoyed.

The young woman flopped on her seat while punishing her boyfriend in her mind again and again.

"Inconsiderate moron!" Sabina cursed silently.

"I've been worrying about him since this afternoon and now, he didn't even waited to have dinner with us? And what is this "something to attend to" matter that couldn't wait?" She continued to murmur angrily to herself.

Unknown to her, the twins was listening to everything she was saying. The two men shared a regaled look as they watched their only sister go berserk with extreme annoyance.

"Insensitive brat!" She huffed.

"Timothy Sebastian pray tell that all this, is really important because if not I'll kick your ass back to Manila." She whispered lividly.

This not so low whisper earned a snigger from the twins. "Relax Aria. This might be really important so chill. Give the poor young man the benefit of the doubt." Anton encouraged her.

The gorgeous biologist didn't reply she just sit their quietly as she rolled her eyes on her twin brothers.

After several long minutes, Doña Esperanza came sauntering in and following is her son, Don Luis.

"Come on, let's eat." The patriarch declared after the family said a small sincere grace.

To Sabina's great chagrin, nobody asked for her boyfriend but she didn't complain, thinking that Timothy was responsive and respectful enough that he had informed her grandmother and her father that he will not be joining them for dinner.

The dinner was pleasant and tension free but this didn't pacify the anger inside Sabina. She wanted Timothy to be there with her and with her family and not outside prioritizing some irrelevant chores or things.

"You're just pushing your food around you plate, mi amor but I haven't seen you chew." The old clan matriarch noticed. She too, knew what's about to happened and she's very much part of the conspiracy.

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