Chapter LIV: Sacrifices

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After staying for three days at the Cradle and his talk with Sabina, Timothy decided to go home to his family in Corinthian Gardens. The storm have subsided and the sun had finally risen.

The young architect did this to give the gorgeous biologist enough time to digest everything. He knew that the stories were a lot to take in one go so space and time were truly essential for Sabina.

As soon as he reached home he went to searched for his father and only sibling. He found them both in the den talking seriously about the Sebastian matriarch.

He greeted the two warmly with kisses and light hugs. Timothy then took the adjacent seat from his father and listened to the interrupted conversation.

"I think mama is losing it, pa. There's something different in her." Margaret continued in a worried tone.

Diego Sebastian didn't reply at once, he was weighing the words that he was going to annunciated in front of his children. "Social status is very important to your mother, this is the main reason why she disliked Sabina before. She thought that she was a nobody. And when her true identity was revealed her pride was mutilated because her harsh words and harsh actions backfired at her. You could only imagine the shame and regrets that she is suffering right now. And this humiliation is the very reason why she is so depressed and disoriented right now." The man knew his wife very well so he tried to make his offsprings understand.

"In time, your mother will learn to accept the defeat she suffered and if you ask me, I think it will do her a favor. It will do her good. It will be healthy for her so don't worry too much." He assured his daughter.

Despite her mother's cruelty towards Margaret, the young model was still worried for her mother's well being. They may not be in good terms right now but she never wish her any ill thoughts nor misfortunes.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked her father, still a little anxious.

"We let her be. We will make her realize all her mistakes and shortcomings by leaving her alone to deal with it. I know your mother, helping her will only make things worst. If she finds out that we are worried about her, she might use it against us." Diego Sebastian's tone was firm and final.

The Sebastian siblings nodded at this, then the young architect shifted to face his sister. "Did you tell, papa?" He asked, with every intention of letting the patriarch know what transpired yesterday afternoon.

"Next time, ask me first and don't ever trust mama again especially if it concerns Sabina. Look what happened to you." He warned.

The bubbly model nodded her head. "How about your scratches? Did you put some of the antibacterial ointment, I told you to buy?" He inquired in a brotherly tone.

"Yes! Quit fussing. I'm perfectly fine. Okay?" Margaret answered, a little annoyed with her brother's actions although she couldn't deny that it moved her deeply.

"We already talked about it and she assured me that it will never happen again." Their father barged in as he studied his son's appearance.

He looked well rested and happier unlike these past few months or since their breakup. There's this certain gleam in his eyes that screamed determination and strength.

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