Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles

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Following the dinner incident at the Sebastian Mansion two weeks ago, Sabina never set foot again on the said home. Every time Margaret or Timothy would invite her for dinner or lunch, she would come up with the most believable alibis often involving her best friends, James and Patricia. The engage couple needed a lot of help these days due to their upcoming wedding so making them as her alibi was plausible.

"Please don't get mad." Timothy said while they were cuddling in the comfy couch in Sabina's home. The young man had semi moved in even Sabina was against it. After the video call, Timothy was really worried, knowing that his girlfriend was being stalked again, this time by an unknown person.

Sabina pulled away from the young man's embrace. She faced him and furrowed her forehead.

Timothy inhaled deeply before speaking again. "I have to go to Paris with my mom, Maggie and Darcy." The last name was spoken really low, if Sabina was not paying full attention she may have missed it.

Like a wild fire, jealousy sprang without any warning. "Why?" she asked equally low, trying her very best to hide the negative emotion that was beginning to gnaw her whole being.

The young heir looked at the woman in front of him. "A French architect expressed interest in our work and he's looking for the best builder here in Asia and I honestly think that we have a big chance if we give it a shot." He replied.

A nod was the only response he got from Sabina. "Sab, Margaret will be there with us and to appease you, I'm rooming with her." The architect added.

Another nod came from Sabina. "Mama wants to stay for a month but Maggie and I will cut our vacation short, as soon as I've spoken with French dude we'll be flying back so a week or two will be good enough." He followed Sabina with his eyes, she was now standing in front of the glass door which opens to the veranda.

The woman remained silent her eyes were glued at the setting sun and at the skyline of the Bonifacio Global City. Years ago, these scenes will surely calm her down but today was different, the hatred she felt towards Timothy's mother was beyond her.

Helpless, Timothy stood up and wrapped his long arms around Sabina's middle. They were both staring at the setting sun, either of them was afraid to talk. After a deafening silence, the young CEO gave up. "Sab, please say something." He pleaded.

"What can I say? It seems you have planned everything. I bet you already have your tickets and flight schedules." She muttered, she didn't bothered to hide her annoyance.

Timothy held her more tightly since she was trying to break free from his back hug. "Mama, planned all of it and then the French investor emailed the other day so I have no choice but to go with them." He went on.

With a great tug, Sabina broke free from Timothy's arms. "When are you leaving?" She asked without any emotion.

The young man suddenly became interested in his feet. "The day after tomorrow." He responded.

"And you knew this since when?" Sabina was trying her hardest not to shout.

"Since after the dinner but...." The young man was cut mid sentence.

"What the hell!" She roared.

Abruptly, the petite woman raised her head and stare straight to her boy friend's tall frame but Timothy's head was still bowed. "Go home, Tim." Her hard voice echoed throughout the room.

After a few moment, Timothy was startled by the sound of slamming door, Sabina had entered their room and locked it behind her.

Defeated, Timothy went back to the couch and collapsed. "Fuck!" He hissed while massaging his throbbing temple.

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