Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended

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Friday came and Sabina was extremely pissed, she had stretched her limits and she was ready to curse the young heir from head to toe. Timothy haven't called nor texted her for three straight days, his last message was the ultra short reply he sent when Sabina texted him.

Even in a foul mood, the young woman managed to cook dinner for herself. She prepared stir fried veggies in oyster sauce and some yakisoba. She ate alone while reliving what had happened the whole week.

Eating alone made her missed Timothy more but something inside her was urging her that she should get used to it from now on. Her negativity was kicking in but she fought it and concentrated on her evening meal instead.

After dinner and doing the dishes, she went straight to their bedroom and curled with her favorite book, Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre' Dumas. Dantes' life and revenge always fascinate her and rereading it might help her with her current predicament.

She had given up on the thought that Timothy will bother to call or send her a message so her iPhone was turned off. She haven't turned the second page of her book when she heard the front door of the Cradle opened.

Fury immediately enveloped the young woman, knowing that it was Timothy. She struggled to keep her cool so she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply in slow succession.

She had just opened her eyes when the door revealed Timothy. The young man looked well rested and happy and these observations pushed the feisty lady to the edge. She was in pins and needles the whole week due to his absence and silence. And now here he was, arriving home like he just had a grand and relaxing vacation.

"Oh my God! I didn't know you're still alive." She muttered sarcastically.

"Are you sure you're in the right place? Right house?" She added, eyes ablazed with wrath.

Timothy looked at her but remained silent. "Architect Sebastian, I think you're in the wrong fucking house." Pain and fury had devoured her and Sabina couldn't help the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"Sab...." The young man opened his mouth but was readily cut off by Sabina's next words.

"Are you aware what I have been through the whole week? Are you fucking dumb, bastard?" She screamed as angry tears cascaded abundantly on her each cheeks.

Upon seeing her fiancée in tears, Timothy immediately ran to hug her. "I'm so, so sorry, Sab." He apologized while reaching for the woman.

Like a wild fire Sabina turned away. "Don't touch me and I don't need your apology." She stated in an icy tone. She wiped her tears and drew a long shaky breath.

"Even in my wildest imagination, I never thought that you could treat me this way, Tim. The whole week was hell for me because you made me feel like I wasn't there. Invisible and non-existent. You didn't answered any of my calls or my text messages. Did it cross your mind that you have a fiancée and that she was probably worried sick about you? Did it cross your mind that you have an obligation to tell me were you are? Goddamnit, Tim!" All the pain was turning into words and they made her feel lighter so she embraced the relief it brought.

Fear registered on the young man's face. "I'm really sorry, Sab! It's just that everything was chaotic and urgent." He rationalized.

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