Chapter XXI: The Big Leap

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After the intimate moment that the couple had shared, the young heir became very clingy and possessive of Sabina. He would always hold her hand every chance he got. He would always put her arms around her every alone time they have. And there were even times that he would forget and would hold her hands even in front of his team or in front of some office staff.

During these random moments Sabina would turn deep scarlet and would politely pull her hand out of his palm. She would smile at him sweetly and would mouth a silent "later."

This shared mushy moments weren't lost on Terrence, the man with almond-shaped eyes had observed that since the start of the week after Timothy's untimely arrival, something had shifted between the couple.

There was this invisible bond that immediately tell people that they belong to each other. The body language they had gained since they got together became finer and more profound.

Terrence Jade Leonardo hid a small smile, he was preventing himself from over thinking about what he was seeing but his insides was screaming to ask and congratulate his best friend. It seemed that the couple had cross the line of intimacy.

After a sumptuous lunch, Terrence and Timothy had a closed-door meeting while Sabina continued with her work, she needed to prepare some proposal for the following week just before the holiday break. The Sebastian Builders will shut down all office operations for the next two weeks to give way for the Christmas season.

"You look happy, Tim!" He wiggled his brows, teasing his best mate. The man in question just gave him a dazzling smile.

"Have you guys..." He purposely left his words hanging.

Timothy just smiled with his words since Terrence was like a brother to him. Way back their younger days, they used to talk about their girlfriends and flings but Sabina was different, there was no way he was going to discuss their activities even with his best friend.

"And why should I tell you?" He asked, his tone was still kind but it also conveyed the message he wanted to say. His and Sabina's relationship and everything that came with it was just for them and nobody else.

The engineer smiled, maybe no words were spoken but the smile that reached his best bud's eyes had said it all. "You're whipped man! Definitely whipped!" He teased again.

The playful banter between the best friends lasted for several more minutes. Timothy was truly grateful with his friend's help this past few days, he had been his eyes and ears the whole time he was in France especially when it comes to Sabina.

"By the way man, thanks for looking after Sab while I was away. It helped a lot you know." He stated gratefully.

Terrence tossed a Manila envelope on top of Timothy's desk. "Don't mention it, man. No worries." He replied.

"That's the recent DEC report, I suggest you read it thoroughly. There are things that were quite unclear to me but I assure you those were crucial to the investigation we are doing." He looked at his friend but Timothy remained immobile.

He met his eyes. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing, TJ? Do you think it is right to look for the family that caused my brother's death?" He asked in a controlled voice.

All the bitterness he felt before about his brother's early death seemed too shallow for him now, now that he is happy.

Terrence was surprised with Timothy's words. The man in front of him sounded like he was ready to forgive the family that he believed was the cause of the Sebastian's firstborn death.

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