Chapter LVI: More than Enough

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I'm really sorry if I wasn't brave enough to say this to you face to face but I think, this is goodbye Tim. This is the end.

I'm writing this letter to say good bye to you and to thank you for all you have done for me. Despite everything that we've been through and our families' grim history, you chose to be by my side and I'm beyond grateful for that.

This may look cruel and painful now but I'm telling you, time will come that you will thank me for doing this. Time will come that you will understand why I have to do this.

You see Tim, I want you to be happy as in genuinely happy. I want you to be happy without the burden of thinking about the future or about someone else's problem. I want you to experience everything that life has to offer, freedom, love, adventure and fatherhood.

Some of those, I could give you since I know that in my own little ways and somewhere along the way I made you happy. But most of them I couldn't, so I'm taking the liberty of deciding for you, Tim.

Live your life and find someone that could give you everything. Someone that could give you unconditional love, home, a bright future and a family.

You have to understand that some things weren't what they seemed they were. You kept saying that we are fated but I'm certain that we are not. What we had was precious and pure but it was destined to end. It was beautiful but it wasn't perennial. No matter how wonderful it was, it had to end so let's leave it that way and try to move on.

Please don't try to look for me, just think that I'm just a part of a pleasant dream. I want you to see me in that beautiful light until you grow old but now, I'm afraid that it's time to face the reality. We are never destined to be together, Tim so please, I'm begging you to let me go.

Let me go, Tim.

I have decided and nothing could change my mind so I'm really sorry.

Live your life, Tim. Find new love and be happy. Do this for me, for Nicholas and for your family.



Immediately, Timothy crumpled the letter in his tightly balled fist. "Sabina!" He muttered in a quivering voice. His eyes began to leak as the inside of his chest tightened.

Roughly, he flopped tiredly in their bed-- tears still streaming down his face, thinking what he had done wrong. He tried to recall everything that happened last night and even though he tried again and again he couldn't fathom what happened that made Sabina run away.

All throughout the late afternoon and early evening, the young architect sat unmoving on their large bed. In his mind, he was revisiting the days he had with the young woman. It was like doing a vigil in prayer that the young woman would change her mind and come running back to his arms.

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