Chapter VI: Working Late

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On their way out to dinner, Timothy and Darcy were approach by the female receptionist. "Good evening sir, how's Miss De la Vega?" She asked worriedly, ignorant of the other woman's presence.

Timothy furrowed his forehead, confusion written on his face. "I'm sorry?" He asked bewildered while Darcy looked on with an annoyed face.

"She collapsed in the lobby earlier and was brought to the hotel clinic." She informed the heir.

"What?" He asked, shocked and worried. He wasn't able to mask the concern in his voice that took the Darcy by surprise. Timothy was always cool and collected and she had not seen him lose his composure even once so this was very unusual.

"Could you take us to the clinic, please." He requested in panic.

The receptionist nodded her head. "I'll just call the clinic to double check, sir." She replied.

Darcy remained silent but she was boiling inside. Why is everything about this woman a big deal? She asked herself mentally.

She studied Timothy's appearance and realized that the man really looked worried. She wanted to confront him about what's happening but she didn't want them to end up fighting. Timothy tends to get mad easily when she asks him about women.

The concerned receptionist put down the phone and spoke. "I'm sorry sir but according to the nurse on duty, Ms. De la Vega had already left the hotel an hour ago."

After hearing this, all Timothy could do was to nod his head.

"That settles then. Let's go! I'm really hungry." He heard Darcy's casual voice.

He shot her a warning look. "What?" She asked, deliberately ignoring his obvious internal turmoil.


Terrence was walking towards his FJ cruiser, when he spotted his best friend's assistant making her way to a parked white Prado. He was planning to greet her and ask some news about the summit but he was alarmed when he saw how pale she was.

He hastened his steps and reached her as she opened her vehicle. "Hi, Ms. De la Vega, are you all right?" He queried.

The woman shook her head but said nothing. She lifted her suitcase to load it on the back seat but she staggered. Luckily, Terrence was just feet away from her.

He grabbed her just in time before she hit the floor. "Shit! What's wrong? You're burning!" He exclaimed, upon touching her skin.

The engineer was puzzled why she was not with Timothy. He thought they were together. "I'll take you home." He offered.

Sabina shook her head again. "No need but thank you, please just help me load this into my car. My friend will be here any minute and he will take me home." She said weakly.

Terrence helped her get in to her car then he loaded her suitcase and purse on the vehicle's back seat.

Sabina was now settled on the passenger seat with eyes tightly closed. She was still pale and she was beginning to shake. He also noticed that her breathing were erratic. "Are you sure your friend is coming? You looked ready to faint. I can take you home." He repeated his offer again.

"I'll be okay, you can leave now." She said indifferently.

He was about to open his mouth and insist but he heard her voice again. "Thank you." Clearly she was dismissing him so he closed the door and returned to his vehicle.

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