Chapter XXX: On Hold

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The young woman didn't go to work until the week ends, she spent the remaining days of the week enjoying the company of her family. For the first time the Dela Vegas shared endless stories, watched movies and strolled at the park together.

Don Luis Dela Vega didn't want to spoil his only daughter's happiness so he decided to save the story about the Sebastians for later. Seeing Sabina this elated with her brothers and grandmother, made the old man the happiest father so he was determined to keep it that way even just for this weekend.

When Friday night came, Sabina tried to communicate with her fiancé. The family was planning to dine out the following night and being genuinely happy, the young woman thought that this was the perfect time to introduce her beloved fiancé to her family.

Setting their current situation aside, the young woman took out her iPhone and dialed his fiancé's mobile number but to her great disappointment his mobile phone was turned off. Obviously, he didn't want his vacation with Darcy to be disturbed or interrupted.

Seething and deeply hurt, she flopped down on her bed and tried to calm herself down. She didn't want any of her family member to see her in this state. She been covering up for his fiancé since yesterday when Jacob cornered her and started ad,I got too many questions about Timothy's absence.

For Timothy's sake, she concocted plausible alibis that would save her fiancé's reputation.

Deeply, She inhaled and tried her fiancé's mobile number one more time only to get the same infuriating result. Timothy's mobile phone was really out of reach but instead of getting mad and upset again, she chose to be optimistic and so she sent him a short message instead.

[Mahal, I have a surprise for you and I'm sure you'll love it. Meet me tomorrow night at The Spiral, 7:00 PM. See you there! I love you.]

After she sent the message, Sabina closed her eyes and uttered a silent prayer. She implored that Timothy would received the message and that he'll be there tomorrow to meet her family.


A family consisting of five members descended at the grand staircase of The Spiral, the men were wearing expensive looking dark suits and Italian leather shoes while the two women were in their best, too.

Doña Esperanza looked regal in her off white chiffon long shirt and dark A-line skirt while Sabina was wearing a cocktail sheath dress in light gray. Both the women were wearing stylish shoes, a pair of flat shoes with metallic hue for the grandmother and a pair of red stiletto for the young woman.

The men ushered both the ladies in their table and got seated only after the ladies were sitting comfortably. Jacob raised his right hand and a waiter in black and white uniform appeared in their side carrying a bottle of their finest wine.

"Shall I pour some for you madam?" The waiter asked the Dela Vega matriarch courteously.

"Oh, no. Leave the wine for the young bloods. A lukewarm water would be nice." She refused politely while smiling at the server kindly.

When everyone was busy roaming around to sample the buffet, Sabina took out her phone from her red purse and checked her message box but it was empty. With a sad sigh, she put it back inside and proceeded on reading the choices at the menu booklet.

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