Chapter 4

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Saturday came by really quickly. You were freaking out. You didn't know what to do, what to say, what to wear, etc. So, you ran upstairs and decided to just hop in the shower and then weighed yourself like you did everyday. The scale said 95.8 lbs. No matter how much weight you lost, you just seemed to get fatter and fatter. You threw on whatever was clean which was a dark gray long sleeve Metallica shirt, some black joggers, and torn up Vans. You barely had anything to wear, and you for sure had to do some wash tonight. You continued to stare at yourself in the mirror and insulting yourself until you heard a knock on the front door. You slowly headed down the stairs and opened the door. He had a huge smile on his face and you just looked at him and took in his appearance. He was wearing a plain maroon colored shirt with black skinny jeans. He looked pretty nice. You made the hand signal for him to come in and he said, "You do know that you can talk, right?" You just replied with a simple nod and he let out a little chuckle. He headed right to your kitchen and said "Damn... you barely have any food in here. What do you eat?" In your head you immediately responded with barely anything but you just replied with, "I have to go shopping tomorrow, and do some laundry too." He just smiled and said, "I could help you... if you wanted? And by the way you look really nice today." You just looked down and didn't believe what he said. He looked at you with a puzzled expression. So you knew you have to say something... but what do you say to that? You just said, "You can help if you want. I don't want you to think you have to help me go grocery shopping and fold clothes." He just smiled and responded with, "I would love to help you." So you just nodded your head. There was an awkward silence for about 10 minutes until you said, "What do you want to do?" He said, "We could go for a walk?" You just nodded and held up you index finger telling him to wait a second. You ran upstairs and grabbed you jacket, wallet, keys, and phone. Then headed back down the stairs. You both headed towards the door and once you guys were outside, you locked up the house.

You guys started walking towards the park and you felt him staring at you. You looked at him with a confused expression. He just said, "Do you have a boyfriend?" And you stopped walking and looked at him shocked. You were surprised... Did he think you had a boyfriend? No one would ever want to date you. He said, "It's just a question... Answer it." You just shook your head rapidly. You didn't understand this boy. You guys walked for about 5 minutes in silence until you said, "Do you have a girlfriend?" He nodded his head and looked forward. You said, "What's her name?" He just smiled and said, "Jenna. You know her; she is the girl that always rips up your homework. Sorry about that..." You just simply nodded and looked down. Ashton let out a really loud scream and you looked at him and saw that he was already running towards the ice cream truck. You slowly followed behind him and he asked, "Do you want anything?" You just shook your head and watched him get his ice cream. You guys kept walking, not saying much. But it wasn't like a weird silence, it was a comfortable one. Everything was going good until you saw Luke, Calum, and Michael. You immediately stopped walking and just stared. Luke looks amazing. I just wish he would notice me, I mean he has but not in the way I want him to. Instead of him throwing insults at me, I want him throwing compliments. I guess I was thinking for a while because Ashton saw them and simply said, "I think I should just walk towards them, while you go home. I'll come by later or tomorrow but I don't want them teasing me or anything like that. Bye." And then he just took off heading towards them. I just stood there kind of shocked but not really, it was kind of what I expected I just wish he would have headed home with me because I don't want to be alone. I slowly started heading home, walking with my head down, and letting my thoughts consume me.

Once I got home, I unlocked the door and went inside. I went upstairs showered and just put a big shirt on and underwear because I had to wash as much as possible. I collected all of my laundry and headed downstairs. I started the first load, which was my clothes, and waited for it to be finished. It would take about 2 hours so I just put on a movie to pass the time. Once the first load was done I plopped all of it onto the couch and got my sheets, pillowcases, and covers to put in. Once my laundry was done I made my bed and passed out. I was so tired from today... I know that I didn't do a lot but I am mentally tired. My brain has been racing all day. 

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