Chapter 19

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About 45 minutes later, Ashton walked into the room and had a huge smile on his face. You looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. Ashton looked you in the eyes, like he was trying to see how you were doing without asking. He had a lot of concern in his eyes and it looked like he hasn't been sleeping to good. Even though it hasn't been that long, you knew that he was really worried about you. You know that he hasn't been doing too well. You were worried about him, you didn't know if you should bring it up or just leave it.

Ashton: "Hey, how are you doing?"

You: "I am doing okay, I did eat today."

Ashton: "That's great! I am so proud of you."

You: "How are you doing, Ashton?"

Ashton: "I am okay..."

You: "Ashton tell me the truth. I can tell that you are lying to me."

Ashton: "Delilah, I don't know. I haven't been doing to good. I haven't slept, or really eaten since you had the seizure. I know that it has only been like 2 or 3 days but I am just so worried. You are such a good, honest person and you don't deserve to die or suffer. I am just so scared that you are going to die, and it's going to be our fault."

You: "Ashton, I am going to try my best and get better. I promise you that I will make it out of this hospital. I will be healthy. That's a promise Ashton. You need to stop worrying about me; I am going to be perfectly fine. I am not going to die; I am going to be here for a while. I am sorry but your stuck with me."

Ashton: "I want you to be around. I want to get to know you better. I just- I am so worried. I care about you so much and I feel like shit. I feel like all of this is my fault. I don't know what to do anymore."

You looked into Ashton's eyes and you could tell he was tearing up. You patted the spot next to you and he crawled into the hospital bed. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder. Once you guys were comfortable, you said, "Ashton, you don't need to worry or care about me. I will be fine. You need to get some sleep. You need to eat and keep yourself hydrated; I don't want to loose you. Ashton, look at me, I need you to promise me that you are going to eat and get some sleep."

Ashton: "I will... I promise... I am so sorry."

You: "There is no need to be sorry... Ashton, you did nothing wrong beside speak the truth. You should never apologize for speaking the truth."

Ashton just leans in and kisses the top of your head. You two both start to get comfortable. After about 15 minutes of lying there, Ashton fell asleep. You smiled. You were happy that he was actually getting some sleep. You just listened to his soft snoring, and his heartbeat. Soon after, you fell asleep too. Just listening to his heartbeat was soothing.

You woke up and check the old clock that hung up on the wall next to your bed. The clock read 6:56PM. You sighed and saw that Ashton was still asleep. You smiled and just studied him. I know that you might think that I am creepy for always staring at people and examining them. I have always been that way; I have always made sure that I got a good look at a person. I just feel like I have to, I like studying people. I like to do it because then I can see how they really are, I can see what they are feeling, and I just get to know them as a person. You were taken out of your thoughts when there was a light knock on the door and Sydney came in. She handed you your medications and you took them and gave her a weak smile. Sydney returned the smile and said, "Ms. Barnfield, I will be back with some food and some water. You got to make sure that you are hydrated and healthy. You are making some great improvements. Dr. Ross will be seeing you tomorrow morning at around 9AM. I am sorry that it might be a little early but he has a really busy day." You just nodded your head every so often. When she left you just sat there, you didn't know what to do. Should you wake Ashton up? No, no, no that would be really rude, he needs his sleep. His phone started ringing and you didn't know what to do so you answered it.

You: "Hello?"

Unknown: "Hi... who are you?"

You: "Delilah, I am Ashton's friend."

Unknown: "Well, I am Ashton's girlfriend, Claire. Put him on the phone."

You: "Well, he is kind of sleeping right now and I don't want to wake him up."

Claire: "He's sleeping?!? With you?"

You: "Well not sleeping like sex but like sleeping like sleeping."

Claire: "What the fuck?!? Just put him on the damn phone."

You: "I am sorry, I can't do that."

Claire: "Delilah, I swear to god put him on the fucking phone."

You: "He's asleep. I can't... I don't want to wake him up."

Claire: "He can fucking sleep any other time. But put him on the phone."

You: "Why?"

Claire: "Because he told me he was going to his grandma's but apparently that was a lie. Now, I am going to say this one last time. Put him on the damn phone."

You: "I can't I am sorry..."

Then you hung up. You were so nervous. You would definitely have Ashton call her later but you didn't want to wake him up. You knew that he barely got any sleep. You wanted him to get some rest. You needed him to get better. Sydney walked back in and put the tray on the bedside table. She uncovered the tray like she always does and explained the food and everything. You just nodded your head, too lost in your thoughts to give a damn. You stared at the food and then decided to just eat it. You just wanted to get the hell out of here. It took you about an hour to eat most of the food. All that was left was a couple crackers and a couple pieces of fruit.

You just sat there and thought really hard about what Ashton's girlfriend said, what Ashton would do, how he would react, etc. Ashton woke up about an hour later and smiled up at you. You gave him a weak smile back.

Ashton: "Good morning!"

You: "I think you should say good night. It's almost 9PM."

Ashton laughs and says, "Did you eat?"

You: "Yeah..."

Ashton: "That's good I am so proud of you. I am going to head to the cafeteria really quickly."

You just nod your head and watch him leave. About 30 minutes later he comes back in and takes a seat right next to your bed... You were so scared to tell him... but you knew you had to. If you didn't and he found out, he would be 10x more pissed than he will be right now.  

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