Chapter 11

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After driving for about an hour you guys finally pull up to the destination. You look out and absolutely love the view. The place is really green. It has big grass hills, and amazing view of the ocean, and everything. The guys grab some stuff out of the trunk and you just stand there, taking in everything. You then turn around and watch the boys. Your eyes immediately go to Luke and you just take in all his features. He looks really tired, and kind of sad today. That's weird... What's up with him? Maybe his girlfriend broke up with him? You then look at all the boys and see that they all look tired. Knowing Ashton, you think that they were probably up playing video games all night or something. You then move your eyes to what the boys are unpacking. You notice that it's a big picnic. You just watch them set it up, you had to sit down because your legs were already hurting. Calum walk towards you and sits down next to you.

Calum: "Hi!"

You: "Hi..."

Calum: "How are you holding up?"

You: "I don't know..."

Calum: "You don't know?"

You: "It's hard to explain... I guess."

Calum: "Delilah, I am truly sorry for everything that I have ever done to you. I take full responsibilities for my actions. I don't expect you to accept my apology right now but I hope over time we can become friends. You seem like a really nice person and I would love to get to know you more. Once again, I am truly sorry for my actions and I was so stupid to even start doing it in the first place. I barely get any sleep and I worry about you a lot Delilah."

You: "I am sorry that you don't get a lot of sleep... I know what that feels like and it absolutely sucks. You don't need to worry about me Calum."

Calum: "But I do... I pretty much put you in this position."

You: "You only did one out of the two things. Ashton, Michael, Luke, and you caused me to self-harm as in cut. Luke caused me to starve myself which developed into an eating disorder."

Calum: "But still, knowing that I put those scars on you doesn't make me feel good... I just want to help you move past this and I want to help you get a better, happier life."

You: "Calum, it would be great if you did try and help... I would love for you to be my friend or at least have you around. You seem like a really great person."

Calum says thank you and then you both get up and head over to the picnic blanket. You sit down next to Ashton and Calum. Right across from you is Michael and Luke. You watch everyone immediately dig in. You see all the food that they out on their plates and you examine each and every person. Ashton then looks at you and hand you a sandwich and you just shook your head.

Ashton: "Please... just eat a couple bites."

You: "I am not hungry Ashton."

Ashton: "Delilah, please..."

You: "Ashton I am not going to eat if I am not hungry."

Ashton: "Delilah, please... I am only asking for a couple bites."

You just got instantly pissed. You couldn't eat! You weren't hungry... it's not good to eat if you aren't hungry. You got up and walked away... Ashton sighs and looks at the other boys... All of them try and go up to you but you just ignore all of them. They all look at Luke, the only guy that hasn't gotten up. They know that he has to do it. He was the one that pretty much caused it... He sighs and says, "I am not going over there..." Ashton gets pissed, "She might die Luke! She might die and it will be because of us but mainly because of you. Get off your ass and go talk to her." Luke grabbed a sandwich and hopped up and said, "I am only doing this because I don't want someone to die because of me." He walks over to you and taps you on the shoulder. You look up and noticed it was Luke and was in shock. You didn't think that he would come over here. He sits down right next to you and looks at you.

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