Chapter 16

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You woke up 4 hours later, in the same hospital bed with 4 boys sitting on the sides of your bed. Calum and Michael were siting on the left side with tears in their eyes. Luke and Ashton were completely loosing it on your right. You have never seen Luke or Ashton this sad before. You look down at your hand and noticed that Luke and Ashton were both holding it. You could tell that they really cared for you and are scared shitless. But why would they be scared? There is nothing wrong. You are getting help, you were eating and everything. You squeezed both of their hands and they immediately look at each other and then you. Once they saw your eyes open, they immediately smiled and sighed in relief. You notice Calum get up and leave the room. You look around again, making sure to take in the room. You look back at Ashton and Luke and weakly smile. Calum comes back in with a short, nice looking lady with a nurse's outfit on. She comes in and Calum says, "This is your own personal nurse, Sydney."

Sydney: "Hi, I am Sydney. I will be your nurse while you are in the hospital. Your last nurse told me that you went through some pretty rough days, I am so so sorry to break it to you, sweetie but these next 3 to 5 days are going to be absolutely horrible for you. You will be fully monitored, woken up every 5 to 6 hours to take medication, you will have doctor appointments everyday, you will be pumped with fluids and nutrients, and if you refuse to eat you will be forced to. I am sorry but you are in really critical condition. You will be in this hospital for at least 2 more weeks. I rang your parents up and they said to take care of you and that they wish they could be here but they won't let any planes fly out. There is a big orange button on the remote near your bed, if you need me just ring. The doctor will be in shortly."

When she left the room you let out a little laugh.

Michael: "What's so funny?"

You: "That my parent's "can't make it" I know that they don't want me. I know that I am just a burden. I think that their excuse is pathetic and that they should have just told the truth."

The boys just decided to stay silent. After about 15 minutes of really awkward silence. Luke said, "Delilah, how are you feeling?"

You: "I am okay..."

Luke: "Please don't lie to us. We want to help."

You: "Fine, I am doing horrible."

Luke: "Do you want to talk about it?"

You: "Not really, maybe later. I am sorry..."

Luke: "It's fine, I completely understand. I like to wait till I have calmed down before I talk about anything..."

You: "Thanks."

Luke: "Delilah, we are always here for you. We have decided on a semi-schedule to help keep you company. I mean obviously we can't see you on Monday thru Friday from 7AM to 3PM but one of us will come after school and on weekends we will always be here. We are going to be here for you. I promise..."

You: "Oh, I don't want to be a bother. You guys really don't have to."

Ashton: "But we want to. We want to be there for you... We want to help you recover."

You start to tear up and look down at the bed and let a couple tears fall. You couldn't believe that someone actually wanted to be there for you. You just couldn't believe that someone wanted to help you. You were shocked... Calum grabs your hand and says, "What's wrong?"

You: "I just I have never had anyone... I have been alone all my life. I have had to do everything on my own. I had to get through shit on my own."

Michael: "We are here for you, Delilah. You aren't going to be alone anymore. I promise..."

You smile up at all them and they all come in for a big hug. The boys all sat back down and were trying to get your mind off of everything. They were talking about their lives. Like their families, siblings, activities, and what they do for fun. You just loved listening to all of them talk. You took in every piece of information that they gave off. Then, the conversation was cut short by a short knock on the door and then it opening. It was Dr. Ross.

Dr. Ross: "Delilah, it's nice seeing you again. I wish that we didn't have to meet like this. But, I am here to check everything, give you your medications, and then the nurse will be in with your food. Once the nurse comes in with your food, someone will be checking on you every 20 minutes to make sure you are eating. Today, you really have to try and eat everything. You are in really critical condition. The next few days will determine whether you live or not."

You just nod your head, and look to your sides. You see that everyone has tears in their eyes. You look back up at Dr. Ross and he starts to head over and says, "Delilah will you please stand." You slowly got out of bed. Every inch of your body was hurting. You just wanted to go back in bed and relax. You wanted to be home and healthy. Dr. Ross's cold hands gently grab your right arm and starts taking measurements. You look at him with a confused look and he says, "This is so I can keep track of how much weight you gain or lose, and everything like that." He took measurements of your right and left upper arm and forearm, your chest, waist, hips, thighs, and calves. He wrote down all the measurements on a little notepad that fit in his pocket. You just watched him, letting him do what he needs. You didn't want to fight him; you just wanted to lay back down. 

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