Chapter 12

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Once you guys arrived at the pier, you guys headed towards the beach. You guys all sat down on the sand. Luke and Ashton both sat next to you. It was about 1PM and everyone was having fun. They were talking about their girlfriends, videogames, food, their grades in school, and what they were going to be doing for the next couple of weeks. You just sit there looking out at the ocean and listening to their conversation. You let out small laughs at their jokes and enjoy listening to them. You lean over and lay your head on Ashton's shoulder and he wraps his arm around you. You can feel Luke staring at you but you just continue to look at the ocean. You guys were probably on the beach for an hour before you guys decided to head up to the fair. It was a short walk but your legs started to hurt again. Your body wasn't holding up to well and you knew this. You stopped and had to take a break. The rest of the boys stopped a couple feet in front of you and you just sat on the ground and said, "You guys keep going, I'll catch up." Luke walked over to you and said, "I can carry you if you want me to." You looked up at him and just shook your head and said, "I don't want you to have to suffer like that. It's okay..." You slowly got up and started to stand again. Luke insisted that he carried you for at least a little. You still said no but he crouched down ad pretty much forced you into being carried. He was giving you a piggyback ride and you felt really bad about it. You didn't want him to have to carry you around... You just let it pass and looked at Ashton. Ashton gave you a confused look and you just shrugged your shoulders. He smiled at you and just carried on with his conversation with Michael. You guys walked for about 5 minutes around the fair and Calum spotted an ice cream stand. The rest of the boys ran there besides Luke he still kept the same pace. When you guys got there, he set you down and started looking at the ice cream. You just sat down in an empty seat and stared at all the boys. They were all excited and happy to be here. They obviously love ice cream. You just watch all of them get double scoops and sit down.

Ashton: "You don't want anything?"

You: "I am not going to eat a lot of it if I do get some and I don't want to waste your money..."

Michael: "We will just share all of our ice cream with you, yeah?"

You: "Oh, you don't have to."

Calum: "It's all good... We don't need all of this ice cream. You can take a couple bites if you want, we don't mind."

Ashton smiled and you and you smiled back. Everyone sat down and you noticed Luke was outside... You look at Ashton and say, "Why is Luke outside?"

Ashton: "Ummm... I do not know... that's weird. You want to check on him for me?"

You: "I-I guess."

You slowly got up and walked out the door. You walk up to Luke and tap him on his shoulder. He looks up at you and gives you a weak smile. You ask him, "Want to go for a walk?" He nods his head and you help him up. You guys start walking and enjoy the silence. But, you really wanted to know what was up with him so you grabbed his hand and gently pulled him back and to a stop. He looked at you with a confused look and you said, "What's wrong?"

Luke: "Nothing..."

You: "Luke, I can tell something is wrong. I am not stupid."

Luke: "It just hurts seeing you not eating when I know your hungry. You can't even enjoy ice cream, and that breaks me inside. It's hard for me; I created this monster that lives inside of you. I am such a horrible person..."

You: "Luke, you are not a horrible person. Yeah, you were a horrible person to me but now you aren't. You are fixing yourself and making yourself a better person. You are a great person... if you were a horrible person you would be all alone like me."

Luke: "Delilah, you aren't going to be alone anymore. We are all here for you... especially me. I feel so bad about everything and I want to fix it. I want to fix you."

You: "Luke, I can't be fixed..."

Luke: "Yes, you can. I know that you can. You are so strong and beautiful. You have no idea. You are amazing, Delilah. You will get through this."

You: "Hopefully..."

You guys start walking again and he looks at you and smiles. You look to the ground and just look at your feet. You were definitely still in love with him. He grabs your hand and you are shocked. You look at your hands and you can't believe what you see. You feel like there is fireworks gong off, everywhere in your body. You knew he was the one for you, but were you the one for him? You look up at him and give him a weak smile. You guys eventually ended up back to the ice cream shop in probably about a 25 minutes time period. When you saw the guys, they looked at you and you could hear them sigh in relief. They all ran up to you and start asking where you were and everything. You just said that you went on a walk and Luke joined you. After that you all head back to the car and had to go back to the hospital... you really didn't want to go back. 

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