Chapter 5

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Sunday, it was about 10AM when I woke up today. I usually sleep in till about 2PM but since I went to bed early, I woke up early. I was really lazy today and just watched movie and TV shows all day. Nothing exciting, I was still just wearing the big shirt when I heard a noise from upstairs. I immediately started freaking out and grabbed a baseball bat and headed upstairs. I checked all the rooms and turned on all the lights. I went into my room and saw a figure and hit it a couple times with the baseball bat before he started yelling. "It's me, Ashton, Ashton. It's me. Stop! Stop!" I immediately stopped and grabbed a blanket to cover up and then I turned on the lights. "What the fuck, Ashton?!?" He just looked at you completely confused. You both shared confused looks. Then you said, "Why did you break into my house Ashton?" He looked at you and said, "To see you, duh?" And you just looked at him and said, "I have a front door, you know that right?" Ashton just got up, smirked at you and said, "Why are you covering up?" You just gave him the WTF face and said, "I am in just a shirt Ashton. Let me grab some pants one sec." He just watched you move across the room and grab pants and you told him to turn around but he wouldn't. So, you just put your pants on underneath the blanket and said "TaaDaa!" He just laughed and came over to hug you. You both went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched movies. Ashton looked at you and so you looked at him. He just whined and said "Leeeettttt'sss cuuuuuuuudddddllllleee!" He didn't even wait for you to answer before he grabbed you and started to cuddle you. You just let out a loud laugh and made sure to put a bunch of blankets on you so he couldn't feel how skinny you were. You guys watched movies all night and ate. Well you didn't eat anything besides an apple. But you watched Ashton eat, not in a creepy way. You guys fell asleep watching movies and in the morning you both were shocked. You forgot that he pretty much broke into your house to see you and everything. You got up to use the bathroom and weigh yourself. You weighed 91.4 lbs. You were still so fat, no matter how much weight you lost it just seemed like you got fatter and fatter. Today you and Ashton just skipped. I mean you guys woke up at 12PM; there was no point to go to school. So you guys just stayed home and Ashton had to leave at 4PM because his mom wanted him to be home for dinner.

A week has passed, and I still feel horrible. I don't want to get out of bed, and I don't want to do anything. I just want to disappear forever. Ashton came over for the whole day on Saturday, and that was about it. He came over on Monday and Friday when I left school early because of some stuff the bullies did. I still have the bruises and the busted lip... Sorry, I don't really want to talk about the rest. At home, I still didn't go grocery shopping and I know I should but I don't eat anything. So what's the point of wasting food and money? Exactly. Tomorrow is Monday, and I am absolutely dreading school tomorrow. My bullies don't like it when I leave school early so they make my life complete hell for the next week. So, this week is going to be horrible. 

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