Chapter 7

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When you woke up, you were so confused. Why were you in the hospital? What happened? The nurse rushed in and told you about what happened and how you needed to start gaining weight. Well, that's great. She wants me to get fatter! No way in hell. Ashton, Luke, Michael, and Calum all came in after she left. You were scared... why were they here? Are they going to kill me? You didn't know what to do or say. Calum spoke up first and asked if you were okay and you just nodded your head. They all looked at you and saw you're small, fragile pretty much lifeless body.

Ashton: "Delilah, I thought you only said that you, well you know, I didn't think that you did this! Why didn't you tell me?!? I could have helped you!"

You: "I don't know, I was just trying to get someone to notice me and actually like me."

Ashton: "You do this for some guy?! If the guy hasn't noticed you and hasn't appreciated your beauty then he isn't meant for you."

You: "Yeah... I get that but I can't stop loving him. I have loved him fro about 3 years and even though he has treated me like crap, I know that he is a good person. I just fall more and more in love with him."

Calum: "Delilah? Right? This guy seems like a douche bag and so what he might be a good person. He treats you like crap. That's horrible. In a relationship two people need to love each other and treat each other with respect. If you date this guy it might be an abusive relationship and that's not good."

Michael: "He is right Delilah. You're a beautiful, smart, nice girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

You: "So, why would you bully me then? You guys called me a bunch of names and none of them were beautiful, smart, or nice. I remember a few of them were pretty harsh. The main ones that you guys call me are fat, ugly, stupid, retarded, freak, selfish cunt, fat ass, bitch, and a hell of a lot more."

No one said anything else and they just looked to the ground. After about 5 minutes. I was pissed. I really wanted to know the real reason behind why they bullied me. Out of everyone in the school they chose me. Why?

You: "SO?!? Why did you bully me?!"

Luke: "Delilah, listen. We are all sorry for bullying you for what 3 years. Look I am really sorry for everything we said and did to you but that's in the past. If I could change that I would. But, like I said, it's in the past now."

You: "It might be in the past for you guys, but it isn't for me. Thanks to you guys I cut, I starve, I have depression, I have major anxiety, my mind doesn't really get a break because it replays the rude words you guys said, when you beat me I still see the bruises for a couple days, and a lot more Luke. So could you please stop being an a-asshole?"

Luke: "I think I'll continue being an asshole. Thank you very much! And I highly doubt you actually cut, you probably had the nurse wrap up your wrists up for you "sad" story."

Ashton: "Luke, please try and be nice."

You couldn't believe what he has been saying. I can't believe that he's being a huge asshole right now. Sometimes I do get pissed at him but when he is nice to other people, or just sitting there. I immediately soften up, because I can't be pissed at something as handsome as him. He's just perfect. He is rude sometimes but I know that deep down, he has a story of his own.

Luke: "Oh, Delilah?"

You: "Yes?"

Luke: "I know that you have a major crush on me and to be 100% honest with you, it's pretty pathetic. I would never go out with you ever. You're an ugly, fat piece of shit. You should get over yourself."


They all rush outside of the door and you can hear them yelling at Luke and everything like that. You just sit there. You feel so broken. I mean you have always known that Luke wouldn't go out with you ever but you still had that small piece of hope left that if a miracle happened he would go out with you. But, I guess you were wrong. How could you be so stupid? Why did you have to love Luke? You just sat there, not being able to cry, just staring at the wall. Wishing that you could just leave this damn hospital already. You finally decided to try and get some sleep; maybe it would help pass the time. You were pretty exhausted and broken today. 

I Almost Died For Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें