Chapter 14

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Caleb: "Well, well, well, look who we have here?"

Luke: "Fuck off."

Caleb: "Do you really think that you should be talking to me like that?"

Luke: "Caleb please just leave her alone."

Caleb: "Now where's the fun in that, Lukey?"

Luke: "Don't call me that!"

Caleb takes 4 steps closer and then Luke steps in front of you and takes your hand in his. It was strange but it calmed you. Even though he has been rude to you and made your life hell. His touch was oddly calming.

Luke: "Caleb, you aren't going to touch her."

Caleb: "Luke there is more of us than there are of you. Let's be real Luke."

Luke: "Caleb. You aren't laying a hand on her."

Caleb: "Watch me!"

Caleb leans forward and tries to grab you. Luke immediately punches him in the face. Caleb gets back up. How does he recover that quickly? Luke's punches are really fucking hard. Luke probably hits the hardest out of all of them.

Caleb: "Let's take this outside."

Luke: "Caleb. I really don't want to have to beat your ass in front of all these people. Let's just go our separate ways."

Caleb: "No way in hell, Hemmings. Outside. Now."

Luke: "Fine if you really want to do this."

Everyone heads outside. Luke grabs your hand and whispers, "It's going to be okay, trust me I can beat this guy with my eyes closed." You just nodded your head and headed outside with Luke. You knew that you would have to let go of Luke's hand but you didn't want to, his touch calmed you and that's what you needed right now. Everyone forms a large circle and Caleb walks to the middle of it.

Caleb: "Let's go, Hemmings."

Luke: "Caleb, I really don't want to do this."

Caleb: "Oh, we are going it. Right. Fucking. Now."

Luke kissed your hand and then headed to the middle. The fight started within 10 seconds. Luke was pretty much beating the shit out of Caleb. Yeah, Caleb got a few hits here and there but Luke was the one that was absolutely crushing Caleb. You grabbed Ashton's hand and held it tight as you watched them fight it out. Luke was really strong, you knew that because you have felt how he hits, you just hope that at the end of the fight they are both okay. Caleb is out on the ground just lying there. Luke get's off of Caleb and heads to you. Right as Luke reaches you and checks if Caleb is okay, Caleb gets up.

Caleb: "Where do you think your going?"

Luke: "I am going to go into the mall and get some food."

Caleb: "No you aren't!"

Luke: "Caleb, come on. I just beat the crap out of you. There is a hospital right across the street. Go get your face and everything fixed."

Caleb: "Luke! A fight means that you have to knock the person unconscious so therefore you didn't win."

Luke: "Caleb, I am not going to do this."

Caleb: "Luke, do you really want me to hold her over your head in order for you to fight?"

Luke: "Caleb, you and your friends are not going to touch her."

Caleb: "Luke, just fight then."

Luke: "No! I already said no!"

Caleb: "Luke, you know I will grab her and beat the shit out of her. Get out here and fight me like a man."

Luke: "Caleb. Shut the fuck up and go home."

Caleb marches over to you guys and grabs your wrist. He starts to pull you away from Luke. Luke steps forward and punches Caleb right in his nose. Caleb stumbles back and Luke keeps going after him. Caleb threw a good punch at Luke and busted his lip. Luke gets another punch to his faces and he has a bloody nose. Luke fucking goes insane and beats the living hell out of Caleb. Caleb is on the floor while Luke is straddling him and punching his face in. Soon enough, Caleb is on the ground and he is unconscious.

Luke: "Tell him when he wakes up that he can never lay a hand on Delilah again or I will not hesitate to beat his ass." 

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