Chapter 20

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-2 months later-

You were released from the hospital. Luke took you home and when you walked in there was Calum and Michael with a bunch of bags by their feet. You looked a Luke with a curious look and he said, "We are staying with you for a little! Don't worry we talked to your parents and our parents. The only catch is that we have to go over to our parents house at least once a month..." You just nodded your head and walked upstairs. You weren't looking for anything; you were just making sure everything was exactly the same. You made sure to examine each room really well. Once you got to your room, you smiled. You were happy that you could sleep in your own bed, and that you could wear your own clothes instead of that stupid ass hospital gown.

Luke wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours. You smiled and spun around, hugging him. You smiled into his chest, taking in his scent and saying, "Thank you for staying with me." He hugs you tighter and then lets go, grabbing your hand and bringing you to the kitchen. You watch him pull out a couple of medications and he was looking for some food.

You: "I don't think you are going to find any food."

Luke: "Yeah...just take your medications, I'll have the other two boys go to the grocery store."

You smiled and then were a little scared when Luke yelled, "CALUM! MICHAEL! GO TO THE STORE! WE NEED FOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!" The two boys loudly groaned and ran down the stairs. Michael said, "We will be back in a little. Make sure you guys are ready to help with the groceries." You smiled at them and hugged them. They hugged you back and then said their goodbyes. You let out a little laugh and then looked at Luke.

Luke: "What? Do I have something on my face?"

You: "No... how are you doing?"

Luke: "I am okay... You?"

You: "I am okay...

Luke: "Has Ashton even tried contacting you or anything?"

You: "No... It was my fault, I need to go talk to him."

Luke: "You answered his phone and told his girlfriend the truth. He didn't sleep and when he was you wanted him to get as much sleep as possible. You did nothing wrong. I don't know what his problem is."

You: "Well... he did say his girlfriend is insecure but it didn't seem like she was. She seems like she is overconfident."

Luke: "Well yeah... Ashton knows that she isn't as insecure as she said at first. He tells me that now she is confident because of him but I don't know."

You: "Oh... I think I am going to shower..."

Luke: "Keep the door unlocked. If you aren't out in 15 minutes I am going to go check on you and then I need to do a body check every night..."

You groan and head up the stairs. You quickly hop in and out of the shower. You didn't want Luke coming in here that would be really weird. You quickly got dressed in a dark blue long sleeve and some black sweatpants. You head down the stairs and slip on your shoes.

You: "I am going to head to Ash's."

Luke: "Why?"

You: "I want him to know that I am out. Plus, I want him to know that I am sorry and everything. I want to try and fix some shit."

Luke: "Okay... but you did nothing wrong. There is no need to apologize."

You: "Okay..."

You head out the door and walk to Ashton's. Ashton lives about 15 minutes away (walking distance). You just remember all the times with Ashton, even though they weren't great, you still were happy that you had some memories with actual people. You were happy that you weren't alone all the time. You got lost in your thoughts and memories. You were at Ashton's in no time. You knock on the door about 5 times and wait for someone to answer.... Luckily it was Ashton.

You: "Hi..."

Ash: "Hi... now isn't a good time..."

You: "Okay... I just wanted to say sorry and everything."

Ash: "Okay... I know you are. I will come over later, okay?"

You: "Okay..."

You head back home and Ashton watched you turn the corner. You got home and all the boys were putting away groceries. You and Luke talked about Ashton coming over and everything. You were happy that he sort of forgave you. You went upstairs and just relaxed in until Ashton came over. You and Ashton had talked everything out. You guys made sure that you were all good and cuddled for the rest of the night. You guys watched a lot of movies and just enjoyed each other's company.

You were happy that everyone was together again. You couldn't believe that your life has turned completely around. Before the hospital your life was hell, but now your life was good. You didn't want to die anymore. You didn't feel numb anymore. You were actually happy... and that's what scared you. What if they all leave you? What if you mess up and they all hate you? What if they start bullying you again? You were really nervous, you fell asleep 2 hours after Ashton did. You fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. You were happy to have Ashton back...

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