Chapter 8

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You were woken up by a really loud sound. It kind of sounded like someone slipped and fell. You looked around the room and didn't know where it came from. Then you hear Ashton say, "I'm down here." You look towards the ground and there he is. You gave him a weak smile and then just laid down again. He got up off the ground and asked you to scoot over so you guys could cuddle. You had no problem with cuddling; you wanted to feel at least a little love today.

Ashton: "I am really sorry about Luke today. I don't know what got into him. He's usually nice, and caring. I don't know what it is."

You: "It's okay... It doesn't matter anymore. I just don't really want to see him again."

Ashton: "Are you over your crush on him?"

You: "Yeah..."

Ashton: "Good, he doesn't deserve an amazing girl like you."

You and him probably laid there for about 3 hours before the nurse came back in. You and him both sat up and Ashton smiled at her. The nurse just looked at you and said, "Miss Barnfield, you will be able to be released in 1 week from now. We just want to fill you up with some food and water. So that when we send you home you are over 90lbs. I am concerned for you Delilah... you are so skinny that you could possibly die. These next 3 days are going to be the worst for you because it pretty much determines if you get to live or not. I suggest you try to gain as much weight as you can in the next 3 days. If you ever need anything please press the button with the nurse on it and I will come right away. You are hooked up tot these monitors so that if your heart stops, or anything really bad happens we will be alerted and try to help you out as much as we can. I just came up here to give you that quick heads up and plus I brought you some water and medications." You look at her shocked, scared, and confused. But, you took the medications without asking what they were because honestly you didn't care. You don't care if you live or die.

After the nurse left, you and Ashton sat in silence. You can feel him staring into your back but you don't want to say anything. Right now, you just want to curl up and die. I mean you could die in the next couple days, so why not take the opportunity? I mean everyone will just think you starved yourself, and you died. They will say they tried their best to help you and that if they knew you were starving they would help you. I mean they can only blame you... So why not? You started to get really deep into your thoughts that you didn't realized Ashton was saying your name. You looked at Ashton and raised your eyebrows.

Ashton: "Finally! I have been trying to get your attention for like 15 minutes now. Looked like you were thinking pretty hard."

You: "Yeah..."

Ashton: "Want to talk about it?"

You: "No, not really... can we just cuddle?"

Ashton: "Of course!"

Ashton and you scoot closer and you lay your head on his chest. You were comfortable and you were actually relaxing. You fell asleep, listening to Ashton's heartbeat...

The next day, you were woken up bright and early. The nurse shook you awake and you sat up and said, "What?" The nurse looked at you and spoke, "Miss Barnfield, you have an exam today with Dr. Ross, he will be in his office in about 1 hour. I wanted to wake you up and give you your medication. Possibly, you can eat a little bit of this pear? And make sure you drink plenty of water." She handed you the medication, water, and a pear. You took the medication and handed her the cup back. You sipped on your water and told her, "I'll work on eating the pear..." She nodded and walked out of the door. You shook Ashton awake and he looked at you and said, "Good morning!" You smiled and nodded and then told him, "I got you a pear." He smiled and said, "Thanks! I didn't even feel you get out of the bed." You nodded and watched him take a bite of the pear. You knew that you should have ate it but you really weren't hungry... Ashton looks at you and asks how you are doing, you just reply with a simple shrug of the shoulders. The nurse comes back in and asks you if you are ready to see the doctor. Ashton was really confused so the nurse had to explain what was happening. Ashton hugged you and then you sat in the wheelchair and the nurse took you to the doctor....

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