Hunter Zolomon x Adopted Teen Reader

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Y/N walked into Barry's lab where Hunter was looking was looking at newspapers. "Hunter." Y/N said, her voice emotionless. He smirked then, turned around facing the young girl, "I knew you wouldn't abandon me." He said. "I want the truth." Y/N demands. "Truth?" "What happened to my parents, you've been lying to me my whole life." She yelled. "Ah I see..." "Did you kill them and, no more lying." Hunter walked closer to his child, who was scared of him she slowly backed away. "Y/N you don't have to be scared of me I'm not going to hurt you." Hunter chuckled. "Right now I have every reason to be afraid your a monster Hunter." Y/N exclaimed. Hunter cringed remembering the night of the his mothers murder, he opened his eyes. "I didn't kill them I promise..." "How do I know that isn't a lie? Why are you doing all this why are you hurting people?!" She said furious. Hunter put his hand to the girls cheek stroking it but, that send a chill down the girls spine. "For you Y/N." He replied. "Why do you still care about me what was the reason you adopted me?" She asked. He smiled. "Because, I was all alone then, I saw you...I didn't want you to be alone too." He said. A tear fell from the teenage girls cheek, "Is that the truth?" Hunter nodded. "It's always been the truth I have always loved you Y/N every since you were a little girl." He said, gently. "I can make you good again you don't have be like this." Hunter turned his back from her. "Y/N this is the true me and, if you can't accept me for who I am then you should just go." Hunter says. The girl bit her lip and, thought for a moment she took his hand. "Alright." She says. Hunter faced her once more, "Alright?" "If this is the real you then, I can't stop you but, maybe I can keep you from hurting people." She says, smiling. Hunter kissed her head, "See I knew you'd come around you'll never abandon me Y/N." He pulled the girl into a tight hug that caused the memories to flood Y/N's mind. She remembered something he told her when she was small. "Nobody can take you away from me Y/N not even The Flash." Eight years ago: Little Y/N put her backpack down and, ran through the house looking for Hunter. She eventually found him in his office where he was working on something. "Hunter!" She exclaimed running over to him as he lifted her into his lap. "Hey Y/N how was school." She shrugged her shoulders, "Fine..." "Good." "Are you working again?" She asked. He smiled then said, "Yes I am very busy." Six year old Y/N frowned. "Does that mean we can't get ice-cream?" Hunter shook his head, "Sorry Y/N." "Hunter you promised." Y/N said, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Hunter sighed he knew little Y/N wouldn't give up until she got her ice cream, he decided it would be nice to take a rest. "Alright Y/N lets go get some ice-cream I need a break anyway." He said. "Yay!" She exclaimed throwing her small arms around his neck. He picked her up and, gave her a piggy back ride downstairs to the kitchen. He sat her on the counter as he went to the freezer and, made a bowl of Y/F/F ice-cream. He handed it to the little girl, "Thank you Hunter." Y/N said. Hunter smiled, "Of course my little Y/N." He gave her a quick kiss on the head before sending her off to bed, he chuckles as she ran to her room. Hunter wouldn't let anyone take little Y/N away from him, she was his everything. One day she would be heartbroken but, until then he'd enjoy every moment with her. (Sorry it's short.)

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