Chapter Two

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"Are you gonna get up or what?" Roberto sat on top of his sister. "C'mon lets get ready for Connie's wedding."

"Well you piece of shit- How can I get up when you're on me!" Fiona's voice was muffled from under the blanket. "Relax, relax. Sheesh." Roberto finally got off his sister but jumped on the other side of the bed to lay down, irritating his sister even more.

"You know- sometimes I still don't know why I'm living with you in this apartment." Fiona huffed, as she kicked off the blanket and sat up, her hair was a total mess.

"What? You partied hard yesterday?" Roberto raised his brow and grinned. "I have no reason to party Roberto." Fiona took her cigarettes from the bed side table and lit it between her lips.

"Well today you do, its Connie's wedding!" Roberto said excited, his hazel eyes lit up. "You're more excited than I am- c'mon hermano, lets get ready."

"Stop fidgeting." Roberto elbowed his sister and whispered harshly in her ear. "I'm not comfortable in this dress." She elbowed him back.

"Well get over it- you look really pretty so don't ruin it." Roberto said before Tom made his way over to the siblings.

The thing is, Fiona was the only girl in the family of five boys. Their mother, Alieda Garcia was boy-ish too. She never forced Fiona to wear dresses, and this is why Fiona struggled so much when she wore dresses.

Roberto's sister would always have her hair in a ponytail or it would be braided. But this time, her hair that reached her lower back was released. Now, it was more evident how her hair was wavy from the bottom and straight from the top.

"You look lovely, Fiona." Tom said, kissing her cheek. "Thanks." She replied with a grin. The thing about Fiona, she didn't know how to receive compliments, it frustrated her.

But this time, her simple 'thanks' shocked both Tom and Roberto. "What? Have you been practicing that in your room lately? Saying thanks over and over again while looking at the mirror." Roberto questioned humorously.

"K-Kind of...anyway.." Fiona quickly pushed the topic away. Tom kindly excused himself and went to Vito's office.

During the wedding, Roberto trailed off with another girl, Sonny was no where to be seen, Fredo was somewhere doing god knows what while Fiona was forced to dance with a couple of men by turn.

Suddenly, Fredo pulled Fiona away, a bit drunk himself. "You never met Michael have you? Well I want you to meet my brother." Without saying anything else, he held Fiona's wrist and pulled her along.

A woman wearing a red polka dot dress with a big sun hat was sat right in front of a man who wore an outfit that screamed 'I served my country in WWII.'

But, that man instantly caught Fiona's eye. He was handsome and he looked very delicate. A gentleman. He looked like the guys Sonny will never introduce her to.

"Mikey- this is Fiona Marino, she's part of the family now." Fredo had to take a seat on the grass, finding himself a bit too wobbly for the whole situation.

'Mikey' took a second look at Fiona, and instantly she caught his eye too. She extended her hand to him and he shook it. "Hi, I'm Michael, this is Kay." Michael said without batting an eye, afraid to look away from her.

"Nice to meet you." She let go of his hand and shook Kay's. "I've never seen you before." Michael said- truly, he didn't.

"She's new, but not too new. She's wonderful Mikey." Fredo said, leaning towards Kay while he pulled Michael against him.

After Connie's wedding -a very, very long night- Vito spoke about Johnny and his Hollywood business. Roberto and Fiona were to accompany Tom to the destination they needed to be, and when it was the right time- they had to do their work.

"We're traveling?" Fiona asked, sitting on the pastel yellow sofa in the living room with a book in her lap. "Yep, tonight." Roberto answered from the bathroom as he was brushing his teeth. "What for?" She closed the book and went into her room- she knew that 'tonight' meant 'right now'.

"For Johnny, some Hollywood bullshit. If Woltz doesn't accept the offer, then we're gonna get to it." Roberto said. "C'mon, just wear your blouse, pants and coat!"

"Would you wait a minute!" Fiona quickly tied her hair and wore her pants, grabbing her coat and scarf. "C'mon, Tom's waiting!" Roberto called out once again, just to annoy his sister.

"You- I'm coming!"

Roberto was at the front seat with his sister while Tom was sat at the back, after landing in Hollywood they were getting to business. Woltz invited Tom for dinner for the business deal.

"You need us in there?" Fiona turned to Tom with the small smile that she always gave the boys for reassurance. "Lets not intimidate him yet." Tom smiled back, leaving the car.

Roberto parked at the side, the two siblings were in awe of how big Woltz's house was. "Lucky bastard." Roberto muttered under his breath.

The two siblings sat in silence waiting for Tom to return. Roberto was listening to his radio while he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, Fiona had her feet on Roberto's lap while her head was on the window.

Roberto watch his sister's mind fly off to another world- he knew because it was very evident in her eyes. She was playing with her fingers too. Thats how he knew.

"What are you thinking about, hermana?" He questioned as he squeezed her leg for reassurance. A reassurance that she could trust him and tell him.

"Nada." She replied cheekily.

"I saw you at the wedding.." Roberto began and Fiona knew he wasn't gonna let go until he got his answer. "When Fredo introduced you to Michael. Nice guy." Roberto looked at his sister as he wiggled his brows.

"Oh shut up Roberto! Its not like that, he has a girlfriend!" She smacked him with her scarf that she took the liberty to remove from her neck. Roberto laughed at his sister's reaction, he could see that her cheeks were pink. "C'mon Fay! I saw how he looked at you too." Roberto made kissing noises with his mouth, before Fiona could slap him, the backdoor opened and Tom slid in.

"How'd it go?" Fiona asked, but Tom looked weirdly at Roberto, who was kissing the air. Tom ignored Roberto and looked at Fiona.

"It looks like he needs a little bit more of persuasion- he has a horse. A 600 thousand worth of a horse, I'll think you'll know it when you see it."

The words that came out of Tom's mouth was easy enough to understand- Roberto and Fiona had to kill the horse, which Fiona wasn't too happy about.

The siblings snuck in quietly into the ranch, the 600 thousand worth of a horse was evident, it instantly caught the attention of both siblings. "Oh wow, its so beautiful." Fiona said breathlessly as she petted the horse.

"Well take a good last look, its gonna have to go." Roberto removed his coat only to take out his machete, the moonlight hit the knife only to make her heart skip a beat.

"He's just a lovely horse, he didn't do anything." Fiona pouted, only making her brother scoff loudly.

"You'll kill a man! But won't kill a horse!?" He said unbelievably.

"What...? Its innocent Robey.." Fiona pouted more, almost hugging the horse.

Fiona let go of the horse and stood aside, as Roberto raised the machete, going inside the horse's neck, Fiona flinched and looked away.

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