Chapter Seven

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Fiona hid it well. She hid it very well. The deep cut that was inflicted on her arm was from the "business" that her brother and herself had to finish, she wore her black trench coat to hide the blood, not wanting her brother to see it. She pressed on it with her arm and placed a smile on her face, trying not to shake- she hoped that her brother wouldn't take notice. But after her brother dropped her off home, he went out to drink with Sonny to "celebrate". 

Currently, she sat on the couch shaking silently, placing her trench coat under her arm so her blood wouldn't stain the sofa. However, her white blouse was stained with her warm blood, it was traveling down the side of her blouse, staining her left breast and below it. 

The doorbell rang, bringing her back to reality. She wore her trench coat and wrapped it around herself, she fixed her hair and rubbed her eyes and opened the lock shakingly . As she opened the door, she didn't expect him to be in front of her, she didn't expect him to visit. 

At the sight of her, he smiled brightly while his eyes twinkled and to Fiona, she instantly felt safer. 

"Hello, Michael." She said trying to stop shaking, she opened the door wider to let him in. "Please, c-come in." Fiona looked paler than usual to Michael, and something seemed off. 

"How are you, Fay?" Michael said, placing the flowers he bought on the table, as something grabbed his attention while Fiona was shutting the door- his gaze shifted to the floor, where droplets of blood was coming from her. 

Instantly, Michael's smile fell and concern was written on his face. "Fiona, are you okay?" He straightened up more, inching towards Fiona as much as he could. She didn't reply and he noticed how she loosened one of her arm. When she did that, her trench coat went loose in the middle, showing off her white blouse that had crimson red peeking from the side. 

Michael's fingers were now itching, he had to see what was wrong, she allowed him to do it too. He moved her trench coat to the side only to see how her blood was everywhere. Panic was what he felt straight away. "We gotta get you to the hospital- why didn't you say anything? C'mon I'll c-call Sonny or someone." Before Michael could make it to the telephone, Fiona placed her hand on his shoulder. 

"Michael n-no. Just help me. I can't go to the hospital, just help me." She said almost out of breath. 

Fiona was sat on the toilet seat, her bloody trench coat and blouse on the floor while she waited for Michael to bring the aid kit. As Michael came in to the bathroom, he warned Fiona how painful pouring alcohol on her wound would be. She didn't mind. She told him to do it. 

As he poured, she squeezed his shoulder tightly but never hissed or shouted, only a small whimper exited her lips and instantly she shut her mouth tighter. 

Fiona told Michael the steps on what to do and he started to wonder if she was a nurse before. "How'd you know to do this?" He said, gently cleaning her deep wound. "I had to learn it, with Roberto and I doing this does come in handy." She chuckled weakly, and Michael couldn't help but look at her and give her a weak smile. 

Michael, however, had to control himself. He tried his best not to look at her bare upper body, her chest was covered with her bra and even that, a part of him wanted to look. But he couldn't. It wasn't right. 

He took the needle the inserted it in her skin, sewing it shut. "You should've called me." He said now that his worry calmed down, it was time to notice how stubborn Fiona was. But Fiona didn't reply. "Why didn't you call?" 

"I-I don't know.." She said, as if she was a rat cornered by a cat. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." 

Silence loomed. Until Fiona broke it. 

"I'm glad you came...but why did you?" She said with a small smile, leaning over him a little. 

"I came to see you.." 

Then, silence again. 

Michael and Fiona sat on the sofa silently, not saying a word to each other. Michael was comfortable like that. He also didn't want to say anything too because he knew Fiona was exhausted anyway. So, he sat beside her while she curled up next to him. 

Earlier, she stubbornly poured him a glass of red wine after he was done cleaning her up. As she said "After all, you're still my guest."  She was still adamant on serving him even when Michael refused a million times.

The smell of Fiona's blood was stuck in his nostrils, looking at the red wine also made him see Fiona's blood. He couldn't drink it. He placed it on the table and leaned back on the sofa. 

Blood never bothered him, but today, it did. 

Suddenly, a small pressure was on his shoulder, he quickly assumed it was Fiona because what else would it be?

"Fay..." He said in a whisper, but there was no reply. He looked to his shoulder and saw that Fiona fell asleep on him. A small smile broke his stern expression. He slipped his hand under her legs and upper back, he carried her to her room. 

Her bed was still undone, so he gently placed her on the bed, removing her flats and placing her feet gently on the bed. Then, he slowly wrapped the blanket around her. He took a good look at her before he whispered goodnight and slowly kissed her forehead. 

Before he could leave her room, her hand slipped into his, his attention was hers instantly. "Michael...don't tell Roberto." She said weakly. 

"I won't." At Michael's words, Fiona smiled while her eyes were closed and Michael couldn't help but smile back. 

Before Michael could close the door, Fiona spoke again. "Michael..?"


"Thank you. Thank you for looking after me.."

After cleaning up some of the blood in the bathroom and taking her clothes to wash it for her, Michael glanced at his watch, 2:30 am. He had the urge to just sleep on the sofa to make sure Fiona would be alright, but he remembered that she lived with Roberto and that he would be back home anytime soon. 

So, with a sigh and a heavy feeling in his stomach and heart, Michael grabbed his belongings and left. 

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora