Chapter Twenty Four

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When Fiona woke up Michael was not beside her. For a split second she panicked but then remembered that Michael was accompanied with one of the bodyguards wherever he went.

Fiona brushed her teeth, took a bath, changed her clothes and sat down alone out in the balcony as she ate her bread and drank her wine for breakfast.

In her villa, there were a lot of trees surrounding the edges of the villa itself. In the middle, the water fountain did not work. Instead of serving its purpose, it was dusty and waterless.

Fiona didn't mind it though.

Her eyes diverted from the water fountain to the car that entered their villa. It was Michael.

An instant smile spread across her lips as she saw him get out of the car and converse with his bodyguard for a second.

As Fiona stood up and leaned on the ledge, Michael took notice of her.

Michael looked up only to smile to see who it was. She was wearing a pastel yellow dress that reached above her knees, her brunette hair was let down, she didn't tie her hair up today.

Michael had always seen it up and now that he saw it free, he loved it.

Michael made his way to the balcony to see Fiona with crossed arms and a mischievous smile on her face that showed her deep dimples.

"Ciao." Fiona said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Ciao." Michael greeted, standing closer to her.

Michael instantly remembered the gift he got her and reached into his jacket's pocket. He pulled out a wrapped present and handed it to Fiona.

"So this is what you have been doing this morning? Shopping?" Fiona said as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Open it." Michael anticipated.

As Fiona opened the gift, she threw the paper onto the table along with the ribbon.

"Oh, Michael." Fiona whispered as she stared at her present.

"Do you like it?" Michael asked as he patted his cheek with his handkerchief.

"I love it." Fiona said with a bright smile. She lifted up the necklace with her finger and her smile grew bigger.

"Let me help you. Turn around." Fiona did as she was told and pushed her hair to the side to assist Michael as he dressed the necklace around her neck.

As Fiona played with the pendant between her fingers, a curious thought came to mind. "Michael? Why a sun?" The necklace that Michael gave her was gold and carried a sun around the necklace's chain, only reaching above her collar bone.

"Do you really want to know why?" Michael said as he placed his hands on her arms.

Fiona nodded.

"Because, it is a reminder that you, Fiona, you are the sun. My sun. You illuminated my life and spread light through every dark corners."

At Michael's words, Fiona didn't know what to say, she stared at him. His eyes showed that he was serious. His eyed showed that he was honest.

But she was at lost of words. She had nothing to say to him, because she never heard Michael speak that way.

Michael however, didn't need to hear anything from Fiona. Instead, he held her chin between his thumb and index finger. His eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips and at that moment he couldn't hold himself back.

Michael kissed Fiona passionately, his arm wrapped around her waist tightly and his hand sneaked into her hair. As Fiona smiled while they kissed, Michael did too.

After their heated moment in the balcony, Fiona and Michael took a walk. However, they weren't alone. Both their bodyguards had to follow them. They lingered at the back, but not too far that they couldn't see them.

"Michael?" As Fiona called Michael's name, it instantly caught his attention. "Fiona?"

"I know you didn't just go to the market to get me a gift." Fiona said with an innocent smile. Michael bit his lip, he knew she could read him like a book and he could never lie to her.

Because at least to Michael, he felt that the bond between him and Fiona was not only sexual and romantic, but it was spiritual too.

He never felt it with Kay and he never felt it when he met Apollonia. While he was searching for Fay, he bumped into Apollonia. However, she wasn't interesting and she didn't intrigue him. He couldn't feel anything with other women after he met Fiona. He would never feel anything for anyone else but Fiona.

"I had to search for who was the traitor who gave information to Castanzo. It's only logical that the traitor is one of your body guards, they know your every whereabouts, Fiona, it only makes sense!" As Michael spoke, his tone became harsher. Fiona knew Michael was angry and wasn't pleased at all about what happened to her.

"I understand and I believe you. But you should've told me." Fiona said gently, not wanting to piss him off more.

Michael sighed before he answered, "you were sleeping."

Fiona didn't want to push it, so the both of them walked in silence. Until Fiona almost tripped.

If it wasn't for Michael, she would've fell in the dirt and probably scrape her knee. Luckily for her though, Michael was fast. He instantly grabbed her by her arm and pulled Fiona towards him.

Michael sighed silently, he pulled Fiona again but only towards him. Her head hit his chest gently as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. While they both walked together, almost intertwined, they both watched the sun go down.

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