Chapter Fifteen

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Michael watched Fiona stare at the edge of the table. He took her out of her place and went to the Corleone household where all the brothers were gathered.

They sat in the office, waiting for Clemenza to come back with some news. Silence however, filled the office. No one knew what to say and everyone was on edge.

Fredo sat beside Fiona, his weight on the sofa made Fiona flinch. "Are you alright?" He whispered to her.

Michael was sat on the other side of Fiona and heard Fredo's question. He flinched at his brother's question. What question was that?

Fiona sighed and smiled, nodding her head slowly. She hesitated though, Michael could see it. It was only after half an hour- which felt like a million years to Fiona- did Clemenza entered the office.

"Any news? Where's Robby? Did you find him?" Fiona instantly stood up as the door opened. By the look on Clemenza's face, Michael, Fiona and everyone else in the room knew the answer already.

"Fiona...we found Roberto. We found him under a bridge, he was beaten up...they shot him..he's gone.." Clemenza said as he took off his hat and placed it on his chest, a saddened and gloomy expression on his face.

As the words rolled off of Clemenza's mouth, Fiona's head started spinning, she instantly felt sick in her stomach from his words.

"I-I wanna see him.." Fiona said- as she spoke, she felt like throwing up.

"Fiona, come on-" Before Sonny could start protesting, Fiona instantly cut him off.

"No, I wanna see my brother."

As Fiona insisted, Clemenza and the rest did as they were told- they showed her Roberto.

Fiona stared at her brother's corpse. His damaged corpse.

He wasn't meant to die like this.

He was shot in the head, five times in the abdomen and a knife to the heart.

The Corleone brothers and Clemenza expected Fiona to start losing herself- maybe hit herself or cry loudly. Maybe even throw herself to the floor.

Instead, she didn't remove her eyes from her brother's body. She scanned her brother's body, she looked at his open eyes, there used to be light in his eyes, they used to hold life. His skin was so pale, it was almost light blue. She couldn't recognize him.

No one said a word.

Sonny's eyes started to tear up, tears threatening to spill. Fredo looked away from Roberto's body, shaking slightly- he wondered how Fiona had the courage to stare at her brother's corpse. Tom didn't know where to start, he knew Roberto for a long time and he considered Roberto a brother. A tear rolled down Tom's cheek silently. Clemenza was shifting his gaze from Roberto and Fiona, his heart became heavy as he sighed silently.

Fiona started to shake slightly, she needed to sit down, she needed to look away but she couldn't. Without thinking, Fiona walked away fast. She walked away from her brother's body. A nauseous feeling growing in her stomach.

She heard Michael calling after her but she ignored him. As she reached outside of the building she turned a corner and suddenly tripped on the floor. Her body gave up on her.

She started to gag and lurch, her body began to shake more.

"Fiona." Michael called out, he bent down to her level and held her hair up.

All this time, Michael didn't see Fiona cry until his eyes met hers. Her eyes were red, tears were threatening to spill, her cheeks and nose were red. She wanted to cry, but she held it back.

"Fiona, you can cry in front of me. You're not weak if you cry. You can cry in front of me Fiona." At his words, Fiona instantly hugged him- she still didn't want anyone to see her cry.

Michael didn't see her cry but felt her tears on his neck. He felt her body shake and he felt when she was out of breath, inhaling hard and fast to breathe air. He felt her strong grip becoming weaker.

He felt Fiona's heart breaking into a million pieces.

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now