Chapter Five

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Its been two weeks and all Fiona could worry about was her brother. What if Grace was pregnant with Roberto's baby? They're gonna go after him and hunt him down.

"Are you listening? Fay?" Roberto nudged his sister- Fiona zoned out and wasn't paying attention to Vito. They were meant to find out where Luca was.

"Yes. I am." Fiona said in a small voice. Vito looked at Fiona, studying her expression and connecting the dots in his head. He scratched his chin along with his cheek and resumed.

Fredo noticed how Fiona was out of it, he knew his father was aware of that too. But all that crossed his mind was 'is she thinking of Mikey?'

After Vito said what he had to say, everyone was to leave except Fiona. "Fiona." He called her as she was almost out the office. She instantly turned around to face him and she instantly knew he wanted to talk to her.

She closed the door and sat on the chair that faced his desk.

The cat jumped on Vito's lap, rubbing her face in his palm for attention and affection. He gave it what it wanted.

"I heard about Roberto and Grace." Vito started. "Roberto informed me of what happened. Messing around with the Castanzo family wasn't such a good idea, but love- love Fiona, it can work wonders." Vito said in his usual voice, but this time it held a bit of concern. "Tell me Fiona- what is..what is bothering you?"

"Godfather- you said it yourself." The lamp on the desk made the center of the room bright, where Vito and Fiona were sat, the rest of the room was dark. "The Castanzo family- messing around with them isn't such a good idea." Fiona said while she watched Vito play with the cat that was in his arms. "Especially if you get their daughter, wife and sister pregnant."

"Once they find out- if it is his baby- they're gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Suddenly, Fiona's mouth felt dry.

"You know he is going to refuse it." Fiona sighed at the realization of her words. Hearing herself say it, made it more clear for herself- she knew she was right. "You know- godfather- that he'll never betray you."

After talking to Vito, Fiona went to the dining room where all the Corleone's were. Including Michael. The Marino twins were considered part of the family, therefore they had to eat with them.

Everyone waited for Vito to arrive and sit with them. Once he began to eat, everyone ate right after. Banters were thrown all across the table, everyone were talking at the same time.

Roberto and Sonny were sat beside each other, punching each other like little boys who couldn't control themselves at the dinner table. Connie and Fredo, including Connie's husband were making small talk, while Tom asked Fiona to pass the wine. Vito watched his family with a pleased and evident smile on his face while his wife ate the food she prepared happily.

Michael, however, was quiet. He couldn't prey his eyes away from Fiona.

He watched her with a smile on his face that he certainly did not know was there. He watched how she ate delicately, how she would smile whenever Sonny or Roberto did something stupid as she watched them. He noticed how pink, lushes and plump her lips were, he noticed when she smiled, her dimples would appear.

But then, Michael has always seen her with a ponytail or braided hair, she never really let her hair go. But then, there was the wedding of Connie's that she let her hair down. But he couldn't seem to remember what she really looked like, he wanted to see more. Did his brain trick him into forcing him to forget how she looked like the day of Connie's wedding to see more? He didn't know. All he knew was he wanted more.

But it wasn't only her pretty looks that attracted him. No it wasn't the only reason. Something more than that pulled and sucked him in. When he talked to her in the garden, he felt relaxed, calm and joyful. He felt that finally, that someone would be able to understand him even if he was swallowed in the dark, completely surrounded by negativity that would force him to change.

Fiona's eyes roamed around the table, looking at each and every member of the family until her eyes landed on Michael. She couldn't look away, he didn't look away too. He was already looking at her though. Her smile grew along with his as they both took in each other's details.

After dinner, Sonny and Roberto went out, dragging Fredo with them. Tom stayed with Vito in his office, discussing yet again, other businesses that needed taking care of. Connie was dragged by her husband back home.

Fiona kissed Vito goodnight and walked out the garden, reaching to the gate. The weather was cold and Fiona couldn't help it but pull her coat tighter.

"Fiona!" Her name was called behind her, followed by quick footsteps. She turned her head around and saw Michael.

Instantly, a smile was on her face. "Hello Michael." She said. To Michael, whenever she said his name, he loved it.

"Do you mind if we share a cab?" Michael said once he finally caught up to her. "Of course not. I'd love to."

So then, the two shared a cab.

As he flagged down a cab, he opened the door for her to enter first, protectively and subconsciously, he placed a hand on her head so she won't hit her head.

They both sat in comfortable silence, yet again, stealing a few glances at each other often. But by time, Fiona got drowsier by the minute, she tried to stifle her yawn and tried to keep her eyes open. It didn't go unnoticed by Michael.

He couldn't resist the urge to guide her head gently to his shoulder so that she would rest.

That's exactly what he did. "Come.." He said almost in a whisper, he placed his hand on her cheek, guiding her head slowly to the crook of his neck. He was afraid that she would resist but she didn't.

It felt so right. As if they've been doing it for centuries.

Michael asked the driver to wait for him as he walked Fiona to her apartment and at the door, she asked him a question that he'd never thought she'd ask. And he'd give her an answer she'd never thought he would say.

"Michael- I've been with your family for awhile now, I've only heard of you...never really seen you around much..but these past few months, you're always in and out...what changed your

Michael blinked, licked his lips and answered her with a small smile while his eyes twinkled.

"To see you. I come and and out..mainly to see you and to talk to you."

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now