Chapter Thirty

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Enzio, one of Vito's friends' son in law was in trouble. Apparently, he got mixed with the wrong people and needed some help from Fiona to threaten those men away. And Fiona was going to do it.

Just like her mother, Fiona wore black pants and a silky white blouse and covered herself with a brown coat as she sat down in the bakery that belonged to Enzio's father in law.

Enzio, however, stood behind the counter doing his job and pretending everything was fine. However, Fiona was sat there drinking her cup of coffee waiting for the men who harassed Enzio to come.

And they did.

Three of them against one man. How unfair, Fiona thought. Enzio was outnumbered.

"Enzi-o." One of the man called out his name as if it was a joke, as if it was a joke of a year- taunting too- Fiona hated that.

"Mr Valleny." Enzio said with a nod of his head.

The man was rather harsh and violent, before he spoke, he immediately ushered his two men to grab Enzio and drag him out from behind the counter. Immediately, Fiona was on her feet with a gun in her hand. She immediately pointed the gun at mr Valleny, but a strange feeling overcame her. The empty side beside her where Roberto would always stand in, didn't feel empty, it felt heavy. As if he was still there, always by her side, Fiona shook the feeling off and focused.

"What did lil' robin here did to you that ticked you off so bad?" Fiona pointed at Enzio with her gun but then shifted it smoothly back to Valleny. The man burst out in laughter, his spit flying out of his mouth slightly- he took bigger strides towards Fiona.

"Enzio sent you, a woman?! To protect him!?" He said before laughing again and punching her, Fiona didn't fall to the floor though, she stumbled slightly making the man gasp as she looked at him with anger in her eyes.

"No, but Vito Corleone did." The man's laughter halted, Fiona aimed her gun at the men who were holding Enzio down and shot them one by one smoothly, both of them falling to the floor in rhythm, their blood already staining the clean floor.

"I might be weak in your eyes because I'm a woman, mr Valleny." Fiona spoke her words slow and tauntingly, "but Don Corleone does require you to back off. 2,000 to forget about whatever Enzio did and leave him alone, or...a bullet in the head. Your choice." The man who pretended to be so tough, tipped his hat and walked out of the store. Never has he ever, met a woman so dangerous.

"You alright Enzio?" The man nodded his head and got off the floor shaking, his shirt carried some splattered blood.

Fiona smiled warmly at the man before sipping her coffee, "alright. Don't worry about the body, I'll gather some men to clean it up. I suggest you close the store for today, Enzio. Say hello to the wife." Fiona said before tightening the coat around her, "have a good day."

The moment the car was set in the Corleone's driveway, Fiona faced Tom, "you got the job done?"

"Of course, when do I not?" Tom patted her shoulder as he smiled with pride, he always knew that Fiona was a smart woman who could achieve anything she put her mind to.

Before she could step in the house, Tom stopped her at the doorway, "listen, uh...Michael really needs to speak to you."

"Did he send you here to tell me that?"

"No, but he's worried. He's unusually fidgety. Did something happen to you two?" Tom's eyes squinted at her cheekbone, as he rubbed the upcoming bruise she winced and stepped back a little, "you gotta take care of that too, be careful next time will you?"

"Will do."

Tom patted Fiona's shoulders a couple of times before leading her inside the house, "c'mon mother made some dinner, I know you're hungry."

During dinner, everyone seated in their usual spot, but 2 spots were missing and it made Fiona a tad uncomfortable. Usually Roberto always sat beside her or beside Sonny, this time it was Fredo who sat occupied the space beside her

Fiona's eyes traveled to Vito who was getting better, but at the same time Fiona knew the man was no longer the same. He used to be stronger than this and he used to glow, but his pale skin made him look more fragile.

Connie was sat beside Carlo and Fiona felt that there was something strange, maybe something destructive between them -something wasn't right- when Connie first married Carlo, she glowed and emitted good vibes, now it was different. Now, Connie seemed depressed and more scared of her own husband. Suddenly, Fiona remembered the bruises that Connie would have on her body and she tried to look at Connie arms or face for any little scratches or bruises but found nothing.

While Tom was engaged in a conversation with Vito and Vito's wife listening intently, Michael's attention belonged to Fiona only.

Fredo noticed how Michael was looking at her and decided to interrupt by striking a conversation with Fiona, but it didn't last long.

As Fredo talked about how he was going back to Las Vegas again for the hotel business, Fiona's attention suddenly drifted to Michael.

Michael was already looking at her before she was- as if he was trying to get her attention- suddenly, her heart leaped in her chest as she met his serious dark brown orbs, she knew that he wanted to talk to her and she was going to let him, she was going to hear him out.

Michael's eyes traveled down to her chest where her necklace rested above her silky maroon blouse. Fiona noticed it and instantly rubbed the gold sun around her neck with her long fingers and immediately Michael's eyes flickered back to her almond eyes.

"Because, it is a reminder that you, Fiona, you are the sun. My sun. You illuminated my life and spread light through every dark corners."

Michael's words that he told Fiona back in Sicily suddenly popped in her head, she knew she had to be easy on Michael and not shun him out. She knew she had to be understanding, she couldn't be a bitch to Michael.

Fiona nodded her head towards Michael- she was going to listen to what he had to say, a relieved smile fell upon Michael's lips.

Michael and Fiona stood in the hallway where they thought it was abandoned, "Fiona, darling." Fiona's heart started to leap in her chest as if it were knocking on her ribcage to be set free out of her body when Michael's hand traveled to her shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb.

"I swear to you," Michael spoke in his velvety voice as his eyes locked with Fiona's, "I promise you that nothing, nothing happened with Kay."

Michael shifted in his place as he spoke in a low voice, "we were talking, she needed to talk to me- she wanted to know why I left her."

"And why did you left her, Michael?"

"Because I fell in love with you."

For a second, Michael and Fiona stared at one another, just studying the other but it felt longer than a second, it felt like centuries.

"I'd give anything to work this out between us- I want you, Fiona." Suddenly, Michael's words were jumbled and she didn't know where he was going with his little speech, but he didn't allow her to speak just yet. "I don't want anyone else, Fiona. If I don't marry you, I won't marry anyone else."

"Michael, what're you trying to-"

"I love you, Fiona, I really do. Marry me."

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now