Chapter Thirty Six

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Fiona didn't know how Tom kept up with paperworks all the time, working with him made her frustrated at the amount of work he had to do. She missed the field work but it tired her out more than she expected, as if after tying the knot with Michael completely changed her.

Of course she didn't blame Michael but she truly did miss doing the physical work for Vito everyday. Now, her only physical exercise was for her throat and stomach as she constantly kept throwing up everyday.

"Is that what you do, everyday?" Fiona groaned in irritation as she threw the paper back on the table, Tom only watched her in curiosity and astonishment.

Fiona always had the patience to do anything she was asked to do, her physical field work was better than just sitting behind a desk and help with papers but she never complained about anything.

Tom never got the chance to answer- Fiona groaned loudly again and lulled her head back on the sofa, "I can use some food right about now."

" just ate..?" Tom's eyes traveled to the plate that was placed beside her. 10 minutes ago the plate carried 2 sandwiches, one with turkey slices and cheese and the other carried honey and cheese.

"I know, but I could use some chocolate pudding or something...sweet." Another thing Tom realised was, Fiona was never picky about her food. She used to eat anything that was delicious enough, but now, sometimes she wouldn't eat certain things that was prepared and she would rather just mix weird combination together to satisfy her.

"Well, do you wanna go out and find a nice cafe?" At Tom's words, Fiona's eyes lit up like a little girl.

Suddenly, Tom understood the reasoning behind her odd behavior. How could anyone not notice? It was simple and once Tom's theory was to be confirmed, he knew Michael would be leaping in joy even though he wouldn't physically jump or maybe smile.

"I'll go grab my coat." As Fiona made her way to the door, it opened with a light clicking sound and revealed Vito, followed by Michael, Clemenza and a few of the other men.

At the sight of Vito, Fiona greeted the man and kissed his hand. The Don simply smiled and placed his hand on her head before Fiona made her way to Michael who gently grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close.

Before whispering in her ear, the man kissed her on the forehead, "I need to talk to you."

"Want to talk now?" Fiona whispered back.

Michael shook his head, leaning in closer, "later, in our room."

"Is this some sexual innuendo?" Fiona was slightly confused, leaning in closer to her husband so no one else would hear her. Michael slightly chuckled, trying his best to hide his face away from his father.

"No, I'll just talk to you later." When Fiona and Tom left the office, Michael looked back to his wife, a slight smile that made the corners of his lips lift up towards his eyes.

Tom watched Fiona devour her spaghetti as if she hand't eaten for days, watching her eat her food made Tom chuckle, "what's so amusing, Tommy. Care to share?"

"It's just- it's you." Tom let out a little laugh as he sliced the chicken breast covered in honey and lemon on his plate, "it's like you haven't eaten in days- in years even!"

Fiona groaned and leaned in, "well, I feel like I haven't eaten in centuries, I don't know what's wrong with me."

A wicked grin and a playful hint in Tom's eyes appeared, "I guess you and Michael go at it a lot, huh?" Tom said playfully making Fiona snort loudly.

"No you dolt. It's not that." The red tint on Fiona's cheeks spoke for itself to Tom but he let the woman continue, "I feel like I've gotten bigger too, I mean my stomach is not as flat as it used to be." Tom's brows furrowed, creating small crinkles between his eyebrows at the realisation of the woman's words.

How did Fiona not suspect? How did Michael not?

"Fay, I think we should get you to a doctor."

"Why? Oh no, I'm gonna get fat aren't I?" Tom's eyes widened in response dumbfounded by how Fiona could not suspect a thing.

By the time Michael was free it was already 1 in the morning and as he made his way up to his bedroom, Fiona was rested on the bed. Her head laid on his high pillow while her legs were slightly curled up and the bed still undone. Michael figured out that she must have fallen asleep waiting for him as he did say he needed to talk to her.

Michael sighed as he approached the bed and sat so gently on the bed beside the sleeping woman, who tucked her hand under her chin so comfortably.

"Fiona.." Michael whispered her name beside her ear and the woman didn't budge.

He called her name a several time but received moans instead of an awake and straight answer. The man sighed, running his hands thru his hair.

Michael watched his wife rest so peacefully beside him and shut his eyes tightly in contemplation.

What he needed to tell her could wait till tomorrow, of course it could.

Early morning, Michael and Tom were called by Vito to complete a task- Michael wanted to wait in bed until Fiona was awake so he could tell her but he couldn't go against his father's words, so before abandoning Fiona's side he kissed her forehead and rushed out of the dark bedroom.

So when Fiona awoke, Michael's side of the bed was cold- hinting that he was gone for awhile. After being sick, Fiona made her way downstairs only to see the house abandoned and quiet, her eyes drifted to the clock and only saw that it was 7 in the morning.

As she waited for the water to boil for her morning tea, she made her way to the entrance of the house, taking a whiff of the morning air. Her eyes drifted to a white subject between her feet, it was the newspaper.

As she unfolded it, beady eyes that she could never forget stared right into her honey orbs, a sudden jolt traveled from her heart to her stomach, making her feel sick.

Her eyes took a moment to travel from his sharp features that she found repulsive to the headline that made her head swirl: MARCO CASTANZO FOUND DEAD

Immediately, an intuitive feeling, Fiona knew who did it.

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now